Ramshorn Snail Care


Fish Fanatic
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
Canberra, Australia
I accidently got myself a ramshorn snail along with some water sprite today, he must have been hiding in the roots when the guy put the plant in a bag. :p He's quite little but i popped him in one half of my divided 5 gallon betta tank. At first Ludo (the betta sharing his half with mr snail) had a nip at him and i thought for a few hours he'd been eaten but i've found him again. I was wondering if i need to do anything for him? Do i need anything special to feed him or will he just clean up after Ludo?
he will clean up after ludo, and breed, then his ofspring will breed, and there ofspring will breed, and soon you`l have a wonderful tank full of snails, with a betta in there too
How can he breed on his own? :/ Should i take him out right away?

I like him now so if i have to take him out can he have his own tank? I have a little one that was going to be for my betta before i got my 5 gallon one. Would he be ok with just a piece of water sprite and some gravel?
by all means as far as i`m aware they must be really easy to care for, just stick a plant in there and he will be happy as a happy thing in happy land.....

and they don`t need another one to breed with they are hermaphrodites (sp?) and will breed with them selves
Woah! Now that's strange! :fun: Thanks for letting me know, i'll fetch him out and give him his own tank! :p I don't want my betta's to be over run with snails! :lol: Is that a ramshorn snail thing (the breeding with themselves) or is that a snail thing in general?
snails in general.....

i hate them i need to nuke my tank to get rid of them.....
snails have both femal and male sexual organs, BUT they still need a partner, because it is impossible for them to breed with themselves, a bit like you trying to lick your elbow... :p
it is phisically impossible for you to lick your own elbow but 90% of people who hear this, try it.... :X
its IMPOSSIBLE! unless you have a freakishly large toung or are able to dislocate you neck! see how " ramshorn snail care" turns into a debate weather it is possible to lick your elbow? :fun:

:huh: dont think so... they need to exchange sperm... the eggs/sperm would have the same chromosones which woudnt be good for the babies...

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