Rams Have Spawned!

Our rams are still under their log, with the pits they dug, but not so aggresive :/ . Not sure if we have any babies, we can't see anything. :huh: Suppose, only time will tell. How small are they when they're are newly hatched fry??? :unsure: Well, hopefully we'll know soon.
ive always wanted rams :nod: i think that they are so cool :D
good luck with the fry rams are very good parents :p
keep us updated love to see pics of the babies when they hatch. :D
We let one of the females that the male favored our of the breeding net a couple of days ago. They seem to be in love. They are constantly vibrant and this morning, the female seems to have her ovipositor (I think that's what it's called :blush: ) sticking out. She also seems wider than usual. They are cleaning the whole tank, chasing everyone away :flex: So hopefully they'll give us a few eggs soon.


Where did you get these sand gravel? I can never find them? They look awesome!
We have a wonderful LFS that has everything. The do tropical, marine and cold water, so have all you need for either. I'm not sure if all LFS's supply this. We are in the UK though, where are you from? :D
I'm from the US. I know a petstore that is like 25-30 miles away. They havfe lots of things there for fish too, but they use their room for live fish and only have little space for supplies. It's crazy though, They have a whole building that's bigger than the store itself, all for the fish. Many speices that I can't find else where.

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