Fish Addict
i wanna see more close ups of them if possible, i have never seen an albino one b4. If it is possible could u get some close ups if not dw
Thanks, but I'm not really an expert in taking photos - there are plenty of others in this forum who consitantly takes excellent pictures.samthefishman said:wow they look awsome!!!!!
how did u get good qualtity photos like that!
i try so hard and it just goes blury
I have no idea...samthefishman said:also what female is the one that lays the eggs? cos i got 1 that doesnt do anything and another that does.... my larger one is soooo fat shes gonna burst!! i dont know why nothing is happening!
yhbae said:Thanks for the suggestions. How often do you do water change?babyfish said:You'd be better off adding amazon swords in pots,baby bristles spend all day grazing, and most of the night lol
I'd also add a light to encourage algae, I raised 50 + in a bright tank