Raising bristlenose pleco fries! (3rd time!)

samthefishman said:
I got 2 females, 1 just layed eggs, the other one is HUGE! its gonna burst soon. I am worried maybe something is going wrong. She is so fat she needs to lay then otherwise shes gonna explode!
Is it because she is fat or is this the natural shape? What I noticed about plecos (at least bristlenoses) are that larger they grow, they turn "fatter"! They looked prety slim when they were 1 inch, and more they grew, they left me with the impression that they are getting fatter (or flatter). My largest female is about 3 inches and she is clearly the widest of all of them by far.
Nah, its eggs, I have watched her grow her belly.
the males are being slack tho, I recently put my other males nest back in (yesterday) and he is in it again. I think hes getting it ready.
samthefishman said:
Nah, its eggs, I have watched her grow her belly.
the males are being slack tho, I recently put my other males nest back in (yesterday) and he is in it again. I think hes getting it ready.
Good luck with that batch... ;)

I'm about a day or two away from daddy releasing the fries... I really hope the plan I have for them will work this time!
Thats awsome! how much are actually in there that you can see?? and what is your plan with them?

I took my larger male out of my tank, And now the younger male has made his nest again :D The reason for me taking the larger male out is because he is constantly trying to take his home. So they have all settled down. now its time for some water changes and keeping the light off :D its all a matter of time now.
There's no way for me to see as he uses the hole in the draftwood in the tank (see my 25g picture). I can only see the tail at the end. The hole is small enough so that the male will proably be able to block any fries from escaping until ready.

This time, I'm setting up a new 5.5g tank with Aqua Clear Mini (instead of sponge filter). This will give me more water current. Also, I'll do alot more water changes, probably around 50% every day. I'll continue to feed them cucumber and zuchini.

Hopefully, this will work for me this time.
I am thinking bout doing it the hard way, Just leave them in their till i am able to catch them. Last time i moved them around they died lol, i am to scared to move them now.

In my males nest, there is a hole in the drift wood. Basicly where the eggs were. Do i need to cover that? i know for a fact 2 eggs fell out... and mind you hatched by their selves! they r somewhere swimming around in there... but yeah should i cover it? and with what?
If you leave them in that tank, I think you are going to loose most of them as happened to me for the first batch...

About the hole - I don't think you should block them...
why would i loose them tho?
All i have in there are bristlenose, 1 male, 2 females.
I have so much wood in there it looks crap lol. They got HEAPS of hiding places.
samthefishman said:
why would i loose them tho?
All i have in there are bristlenose, 1 male, 2 females.
I have so much wood in there it looks crap lol. They got HEAPS of hiding places.
Oh I didn't realize you didn't have other fishes. In that case it is probably ok...
Hey peeps, if i do get another bristlenose, will it be ok to cross breed albino and normal? They have them at my lfs, they call them Golden Ancistrus, they look albino to me :p.

I mean normal colours etc are cool, but just wondering if i wer to cross bread the two, what the fry would look like.
Golden Ancistrus is what I have... That is what they called it at the LFS, but it should be Albino Ancistrus. Does yours have red or black eye?

If you cross them, I _believe_ you will get the ratio of 75% normal and 25% albino. I can't seem to find that article, and since I know my memory capacity went down the drain during the last few years, don't bet your life on it... ;)
yhbae said:
Golden Ancistrus is what I have... That is what they called it at the LFS, but it should be Albino Ancistrus. Does yours have red or black eye?

If you cross them, I _believe_ you will get the ratio of 75% normal and 25% albino. I can't seem to find that article, and since I know my memory capacity went down the drain during the last few years, don't bet your life on it... ;)
i dont have one at the moment, at my lfs, the biggest one they have must be 1" there mainly about half and inch, but to be honest i think if i got two, my tank wouldnt cope with the amount of fish waste.
What is the dimension of your tank?

My 2.5ft tank currently holds 3 of them, including the breeding ones, and it certainly produces its share of waste. But it appears to be ok with weekly 30% water change and making sure all waste sitting on the gravel is removed.

I used to have more problems when I had a blue large grained gravels when their waste simply sank between them. Since I changed to pool filter sand, I noticed the waste does not get trapped between grains anymore and it is alot easier to remove the waste.

They _are_ breeding, so the condition must be reasonally good. No fish losses since I lost some about 1 year ago...
L30" x W12" x H15"

Stocking list is in my signature, im going to get some corys and oto's probably, so there might not be much algae around. My bristlenose is amazing at eating algae though, he turns it into poop, thats the only problem lol.

I dont have a gravel cleaner yet either because im saving up for this one:

Expensive for a gravel cleaner but should make the water clearer and i wont have to put water in the tank once im finished.

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