Raise your hand...

I do!!

first thing when the larger tank gets turned on it's "good morning my darlings!!!" before I hunt for Steve the Betta and have a little chat with him, then the kuhliis and corys if they're out. The platies try to hog my attention though..

the little tank has a similar greet with "morning, sweetie!!" before I start chatting away to Buxton.

I forgot to feed them all tonight >.< I'm a bad mommy...
:*) I have to admitt that I occasionly talk to my fish. Everytime I step into the room, they always beg for my attention by dashing around the front of the tank until I look at them directly. :rolleyes:

:fish: I used to talk to Mandy (my 6 month old balloon molly) all the time like:
"Aren't you such a good girl Mandy." :D
"Here comes Mandy coming to see mommy!" :wub:
"She's just my little angel!" :angel:
"Mandy! Are you hiding in the plants again! Come on out or I'll have to find you!" :sly:
:sad: Now, I talk to her in her grave :rip: . . . just kidding! ;)
Something along the lines of singing a little diddy in my head "The loachy dance" (Think the song the humpty dance by the sex packets)

The loachy dance is your chance to do the loachy

Don't know where it came from but pops into my head when I watch the spastic little buggers.
I know this is an international forum, so some of you won't know who "Bob & Tom" are on the radio. Those of you who do will see the humor in me talking to my fish in my "Chick Magee talking to his dog" voice: "Yes, you're just such a big old sweetie...yes you are ...come up here and get some num nums". This only seems to work with bigger fish, cichlids and some larger salt water fish, though, it just wouldn't be right with tetras and guppies :p
heh who doesnt talk to their fish. their right there and theres nothing better to do than talk to your fish

Not huge conversations, but i do. I always say good night to them before I head off to bed. If I am going away I always talk to them and say that I'm leaving, and that the person looking after them will do a good job. lol
I'm so glad I'm not alone! My fiance makes fun of me, but I insist on saying goodnight to all of them individually before going to bed.
i do not talk to them except when my niece comes over, she is 3 years old and talks to my fish so i started doing it, just because it was fun to see her enjoying the fish conversations. when she is not here, i do not talk to them. they are fish afterall.
personally, i think you are all nuts. :p and i am going to go tell my fish about it right now. :D
Every week come cleaning time I complain to my fish that all they do is eat, sh*t and sleep and wonder why I keep them! Bunch of freeloaders. Need to start pulling their weight around my place. They know I'm kidding, though. :D

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