Rainbows Swimming Into The Filter Outlet Flow.


Fish Crazy
Aug 14, 2005
Reaction score
Northwest England.
Ok iv`e had a somewhat disastrous couple of weeks with my tank. First off i noticed fungus on one of my Rainbows mouth which i set about treating right away, it didnt get any better so i set up an hospital tank for it along with another rainbow that was in a funny way (lower mouth was swollen) they died after 24 hrs. Now all the other rainbows in the main tank had developed flukes/fish lice (some were heavyly infected) and at the same time the ammonia levels were rising, so i put some ammo chips in the external filter to soke up the ammonia after a 50% water changed and set about treating the flukes/fish lice. Most of the flukes/lice were removed from the rainbows by using tweezers, strangely they seemed happy to let me do it(all 15 of them) A few days later the rainbows were looking better but were swimming into the outlet flow from the filter and twitching their bodys. At this time i retested the water and the ammonia had shot right up again to 0.5 so out came the ammo chips as they must have been fully loaded did a small water change, added some Prime ammonia detoxifier and put some live bacteria in. Now that the course of meds are over ive added some carbon to remove any toxins. My water stats are now ammonia 0, nitrite 0, ph 7 and nitrate 10 and have been for the last 3 days BUT all the rainbows are still swimming into the out let flow from the filter and i dont know why! A few have some signs of fungus from where the flukes were removed/on the mouth. Now bizarrely non of my 4 clown loaches, 2 other unknown loaches and my red tail black shark have been infected in any way....... normaly the first signs of water quality problems its the clown loaches that let me know!
Rainbows are sensitive. The fungus you were mentioning sounds like columnaris, which rainbows are particularly sensitive to. If you have recently acquired the rainbows they were probably over stressed. This reduces the fish's immune system and with the presence of ammonia (any amount) it is too much for them. The cleaner the water, the better the immune system. Perform 50% water changes weekly. Also, rainbows really like current so that may explain why they are swimming in the filter's outflow.

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