Rainbows odd behavior


New Member
Oct 10, 2016
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My 4 rainbows, 2 males and 2 females, are staying at the bottom in a row. Just sitting there. There tails are moving a bit, but that's it. Are they sick?

It's a 50 gallon planted tank with them and 3 cories. Water parameters and temp are the same as usual, no changes. No changes at all actually other than the usually weekly water changes.

Are they sick!?

Could you post the actual numbers from your tests, please, including pH and hardness if you know them. What temperature is the tank at?

How long have you had the rainbows? How long have they been showing this behaviour? What species of rainbow are they? Have you done a water change since the fish started doing this?
Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates 5-10ppm, 75 degrees F, Hardness is at the very end of the scale, very hard, pH 7.5, they are Bosemani. They've been doing this for 3 days. I do a water change every weekend so there was a water change 3 days before they started this. I've had the rainbows about a month, but I bought the tank from a friend who had them in this tank for almost a year. I set it up just like she had it, exactly. We live within a few streets of one another so we have the same tap water. I'm using all the equipment and supplies that she gave me. She didn't have any issues with them.
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Is your tank well planted or decorated? If it's quite empty, without many other fish, they might be trying to hide.They might also need a larger group; four isn't really enough
They're getting a larger group soon. I just bought this tank with only 4, but I'm adding more. I have ordered more adult rainbows from my lfs. All they have are young, small ones and I think they would get picked on.

In any case, there have been only 4 for about a year and they've been out swimming around without a problem. Always out and very active. Now they stay at the bottom in a row with just their tail moving a little. They come up to eat and do so normally with gusto.

The tank is planted but it is new so the plants aren't yet mature. And they've been in this tank for last 10 months with my friend who sold it to me and she had it sparsely planted with fake plants.
Is there anything at all that's changed outside the tank?
Nothing has changed. I'm watching them aligned at the bottom right now even with the light off.

I completely forgot to mention that my cories are hiding in a cave in some driftwood. They will only come out when the light is off. They were fine a few days ago. They all were. I just can't think of anything that has changed.

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