Rainbows Changing Colors


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Jul 3, 2007
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I have a young Bosmani Rainbow that is quite healthy and doing very well. His colors seem to intensify and subside although I haven't been able to link his changing colors to any environmental conditions yet.

Is this normal? Do I have a "mood fish"?
While i dont even really have a tank set up i read that it was related to there sexual progress. As they mature there colors intensify.
rainbowfish start off silver and as they grow and mature they change colour. Male fish of some species will be more colourful than females. Males will also show much more colour when breeding or displaying to other males and females. When displaying the males will show a coloured stripe along their snout (between the top of the mouth and first dorsal fin). This blaze of colour can vary between species and is usually yellow, orange or red, but can also be white or pale blue.

Male Melanotaenia boesemani are yellow and blue whereas females are primarily silver with some flecks of green and yellow. If the fish is primarily yellow on the back half then it is a male.

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boesemani are sometimes referred to as chameleon fish. They can change their colors and pattern greatly depending on their mood. This ability increases as they get older. With boeseamis it isn't abnormal to see very heavy coloration in the morning and/or everning hours with a lighter coloration during the day. Fish usually stick to the same time every day. My 3 adult males are very peaceful during the day, during the evening they are always very active and constantly display to each other. They normally get very dark blue during this time.
boesemani are sometimes referred to as chameleon fish. They can change their colors and pattern greatly depending on their mood. This ability increases as they get older. With boeseamis it isn't abnormal to see very heavy coloration in the morning and/or everning hours with a lighter coloration during the day. Fish usually stick to the same time every day. My 3 adult males are very peaceful during the day, during the evening they are always very active and constantly display to each other. They normally get very dark blue during this time.

Yeah, rainbowfish can display all sorts of color intensity throughout the day depending on mood, lighting, environment, etc. They will also get much more colorful as they mature. I've seen some mature bosemanis with almost hunter orange tails and deep blue head areas. Very stunning fish.

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