Rainbow Snakehead

:lol: sorry forgot to add i think thats a Bleheri......look
does anyone know where you can get the 'different' species of channa? like sp. platinum, flouro green and others similar? andy at bas advised me to go there mid march because he is getting a shipment of the rarer dwarf snakeheads but they are usually tiny and a bit hit or miss!
any help or advice will be appreciated!!
have you tried wildwoods?
also snakeheaduk?

i wouldn't buy anything from wildwoods! assams there are about £30 were as at bas they were£9.95 and similar scenario with the bleheris, if thats the only option i'd rather print off a picture and glue it to the back of my tank!! nope i haven't tried snakeheaduk, im a member but don't use it much, i'll have a look though, if nothing comes of it i'll wait to see what bas have in march!!
thanks for the advice!

oh yea would you be able to let me no how much you would be selling the ornatipinnis for? possibly 6 of them if they aren't already sold!!
cheers, Dave
finally got a picture of the other one - awful quality as it stays in the darkest part of the tank

Also my camera died & I'm using my wifes


The other one is getting much braver and is now eating from my hand
Posting this on behalf of STD as he couldn't get a pic. This was the best I could do before the little blighter darted off!

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