Rainbow Snakehead

Thanks guys

they are certainly much shyer than the micropeltes I used to have :)
haha i would love a micropelte......ironic name for those black beauty's eh......simonas hows the assam's doing>?
Nice fish but u need a big big tank

A freind of mine had an 18" one years ago that had a nasty habit of jumping when she was feeding it - almost had her nose once :)
haha i would love a micropelte......ironic name for those black beauty's eh......simonas hows the assam's doing>?
they're doing spot on since I moved them from the tank I had set up just for them. I was going to sell them cos I never got into them but now thy're growing bigger and more active and colourful I'm enjoying them more
They max at around 36inches right?

haha i would love a micropelte......ironic name for those black beauty's eh......simonas hows the assam's doing>?
they're doing spot on since I moved them from the tank I had set up just for them. I was going to sell them cos I never got into them but now thy're growing bigger and more active and colourful I'm enjoying them more

sounds good, iam getting a 6inch male and female next tuesday :hyper:
i doubt they will live together very happily when they get near full size. i have 6 channa sp. assam and when they get big they are a lot more aggressive than the bleheri of which i have 1 pair. although the bleheri end up being a good inch longer and bigger than the assam i wouldn't fancy its chances, even more so if the assam is male. i came back one day to find the assam with its tank mate, a not much smaller assam, in its mouth, it was seperated. i added the 2 bleheri into the tank containing various fish including the single assam and they went straight at it, i doubt either bleheri would of lasted more than 5 minutes. as for telling the difference between bleheri and assam its not difficult at all, assams don't have the red / orange blotches on the tail as the bleheri does, the bleheri has a bigger head in comparison to the body, the bleheri has almost no blue on the dorsal fin with black blotches, almost stripes, weras the assams is a really pronounced metallic blue, they really are quite different when put next to each other.
good luck though.
oh and if your assam is female i have a very nice yet canibalistic male up for grabs lol
it didn't eat it. i said i came home and it had another in its mouth. i doubt it could of ate it, it did have the whole head of the other in its mouth though, i honestly thought it was dead! i sort of chased it with my hand so it released the other and it just swam off into the plants. the culprit was then put in a separate tank and i thought the other one would die because it only had one pectoral fin left, so they must of had a bit of a scrap before one decided to try and eat the other. the fish is doing great now and swims perfectly with its one pectoral fin.
right from day 1 my assams had fights, their tank has loads of plants(both floating, mid level and ground covering) and some wood and caves, and they fight, its like a heirarchy, don't get me wrong apart from that one incident with the assam trying to eat another the fights are like minor squabbles and nothing serious but that 1 bigger assam went after the pair of bleheri's like there was no tomorrow.
anyway, each to their own.
I disagree Dave, I have 2 Bleheri and 14 Assams in a 5'x2'x2' tank, no problems what so ever, the occasional chase is about all. Also you are the first person I have ever heard of that has said an Assam has eaten another one, this is not normal behaviour for Assams they are not cannibalistic. I believe yours has eaten another but this is not the norm. Only problem I have seen is when they breed they get aggressive, but as long as there is sufficient room to get away and places to hide then it should be OK.

Just to state I believe all snake heads should be kept in a species only tank, By Bleheri's will be moved out shortly to their own 36" tank.

Cheers, Karl

how big are your Assams Karl as you;ve given them a decent amount of space there?
Managed to get a piccie of onr of them


I hadnt realised how fithy the glass was untill I took the picture :(

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