rainbow shark conspiracy!!


New Member
Sep 18, 2003
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ive heard from every web site and person ive ever talked to sayin that they hate their own species, and are better left one per tank. well today at the fish place the guy said that they hate anything that is even resmbling the same shape! is this true?? what do you think would happen if i were to put one in with 4pictus and 3silver dollars?? and what have you gathered from past experiences from rainbow shark?? im curious!! :thumbs:
from everything i've read about these fish, and i read a LOT... is they are aggressive toward other sharks. this would include other rainbow sharks, black sharks, and the redtail shark most specifically. anyone with further knowledge, feel free to elaborate on this.

certainly what your LFS told you is inaccurate.
It is true!! They do hate anything that even has the same shape as themselves, my other half has a rainbow shark in her community tank and a pair of SAE which it chases everytime it catches sight of one of them. How they ever get close enough to breed ill never know :lol:

Id say it would be fine to add a rainbow shark to your tank, it wont bother the silver dollars and the pictus can look after themselves.
my pictus will deffinatly be able to fend for themselves. so it is true that they hate their own shape and species, wow. from what ive heard from everyone they really are great fish, im deffinatly going to try it out :D
Is this true for all Sharks(Red-tail-Black-esc) or just Rainbows? I just ordered two Black Sharks from LFS last week. Thanks :unsure:
If you place two black sharks in the same tank soon you will only have one, these guys are mean with a capital M, also the tank size alone to house two black sharks would have to be colossal, blacks grow to 20"+ and grow quick! You will need a minimum of a 100 gallon tank just to house one and tankmates need to be large and robust, black sharks can even be kept with cichlids they are that good at looking after themselves :eek:

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