Rainbow Fish Attacking


New Member
Aug 8, 2009
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I have just got six rainbow fish 3 Boeseman's and 3 banded or blue. there is one that is bigger than the rest and keeps chasing all the others around the tank is this meant to happen.
I was told that they are good shoaling fish but not in my tank.
can anyone help me
The larger is showing dominance over the group, I will assume its a male, Ive had groups of 20 rainbows and one that would keep the rest of the shoal down one end of the tank, anyone tried to come over he would chase back. Its fairly normal behaviour, do you know how many males and females you have?

Whilst usually they do like to shoal, they do prefer their own kind, boese will keep together, the 3 blue together, larger groups of each would make them happier and create a better shoaling effect, although in the abscence of their own kind, they may stay together as a group, depending on the size tank and other tankmates.
The larger is showing dominance over the group, I will assume its a male, Ive had groups of 20 rainbows and one that would keep the rest of the shoal down one end of the tank, anyone tried to come over he would chase back. Its fairly normal behaviour, do you know how many males and females you have?

No they all look the same to me apart from the bigger one that has got more colour but that might be the age.
The more colourful are the males, however, as you have only just put them in your tank, might take a while for them to show their full colours.
The more colourful are the males, however, as you have only just put them in your tank, might take a while for them to show their full colours.
Thanks they are all swimming at the bottom at the moment i was told they where middle to top swimmers are they just getting used to the tank or is something not right with the tank.
How long has the tank been set up? What are your water stats for ammonia, nitrIte and nitrAte? Rainbowfish need a minimum of a 50% water change weekly.

Usually they stay middle/top, occassionally going down to look for any fallen food, they maybe (so long as you water is ok) just be stressed from the move and settling in.
How long has the tank been set up? What are your water stats for ammonia, nitrIte and nitrAte? Rainbowfish need a minimum of a 50% water change weekly.

Usually they stay middle/top, occassionally going down to look for any fallen food, they maybe (so long as you water is ok) just be stressed from the move and settling in.

the nitrite and nitrate are 0 ph is 7.5 the gh 120 kh 180 the fish just seem to struggle to swim to the top.

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