They sound rather nice and different Ben
OK, so the Clowns are in and have settled well. Realy active, racing up and down the front glass and never staying still for more than a split second. I appologise for the poor snap of them, as they were difficult to get....
The Organ Pipe is still doing well. The area that got munched a while back by the starfish is re-growing gradually...
The Brain Coral hasn't changed much...
The Bubble and Green Star Polyps are in a strop though...
As you can see, there is some green hair algea in there too now

Bicolour Blennies according to my book, eat this stuff, get to about 3" and aren't too active. They look quite cool, or at least the one work has in does.

Will one be OK in my tank do you guys recon, with the clowns and I realy want a Royal Gramma later also...
The Algea growth mainly stagnated after adding the Phosphate remover, but picked up again over Satruday, so I assume the old one got saturated inside of a week. I changed it out for a fresh so hopefully the agea growth will stagnate again

While I think about it, one for Truck, a photo of my modifyed skimmer outlet to allow it to take a phosphate removing pouch, using a Coke bottle....
Happy reading