r these good comination?

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May 4, 2003
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T.O (Toronto)
okay so in my beginner 10 gallon tank i am kinda worried about my fish :sad: , cause of myredtail black shark! cause all of my other fish are not agressive like the shark. these r the fish that i have: 3 assorted platty,1 cute bronze cory, 1 painted skirt tetra or a glass fish (not sure), and (sigh) the red tail shark. -_- i am kinda worried about my other fish cause the red tail shark is kinda teritorial by not letting any1 going in the cave that i have :grr: and he chases fish around alot, i don't think he nips at them but i'm not sure :( he is such a :devil: oh my poor inocent fishies :fish: mad....... :<

If I were you, I'd ditch the rtb shark. They get too big and too territorial for a 10g, as you are obviously finding out. Many fish stores accept healthy fish, and some will give you credit. If you add anything to your tank, add another bronze cory and 3 more whiteskirt tetras ( these are the "painted" fish you referred to). Try to find some that aren't painted - they are just white, and without the artificial look. Don't buy painted fish - it only promotes the inhumane injection of dye into fish. Injected fish usually have drastically shorter life spans, and are often more susceptible to disease. Sorry for ranting :angry: ; that practice just ticks me off. Good luck with your tank!
i want my tank to be as colorful as possible :rolleyes: , my platties r seethrough yellow and black and the other 2 is yellow and light brown on their tail. :D as for the bronze cory it has a metallic greenish gold on it and besides it cleans the bottom of my tank ;) , i also brought the painted white/ black skirt tetra cause of it's pink color :) , of course i din't know it was dyed at that time :X , i also had 4 neons tetras before cause of their color and i also had 2 clown loach also, but i gave it to a friend cause it will get too big :S .the reason i want guppies is that they have colorful tail and the red tailed shark shark has red on it tail and that's why i brought him. :fun: so ur comment was good but um normal skirt tetras cause not colorful enough and i will not buy and i will not buy any more bronze cory cause it always hide and it is not as active as the others or i should say they don't move as often they just stay at the botom -_- , thank you :p i don't know if i can trade the rtb shark cause they don't ecept returend fish, if u know what i mean and besides i like my rtb shark, so is there any other way i can deal with it? if it's the only way than, okay fine but i want to hear more suggestions :nod:

You would be making the best decission if you followed what bowser told you! The red tailed shark is to agrresive and big for a 10gallon! Mine is in a 35gallon and it's still very agressive. You wonder why your bronze cory is hiding? He's a schooling fish if your not going to buy more of them get ird of him along with the red tailed shark! If your going to keep buying the painted fish don't expect really long living fish.
shimanocono, wtf r u talking about? first of all i'm not gonna buy any more painted fish, if u read my post before i said that i din't know it was dyed when i was buying him, as for the bronze cory if u would look in pet shops and stuff u will see that it do not move very often and it dosn't always hide just some time,when i feed the little guy is even more active than the other fishes, besides my high school teacher gave the bronze cory to me! holy $h!t, think before u talk, type! Tanked, mayby ur right i should get a new and bigger tank,i'm new at this thing but i'm not stupid, i don't want to argue with any one it's just i hate people who don't think before they talk/ type, want more suggestions....

Thanks Tanked, sigh and shimanocono

Well, for starters, don't be so testy. He was just trying to help. Not all red-tails are temperamental. I have had mine in a 10 gallon for a while (but I am getting a bigger tank cuz of my red tails and blue gouramis size). Maybe make some more hidey holes for your shark? But once he gets too big, he should be put in a larger tank.
Jesse, i will put or buy another tank when he get's bigger, if i have enough money that is :lol:

thanks Jesse


I think you jumped the gun a bit. If you're an outsider reading your post in reply to whomever ticked you off you would see that you made yourself out to be an @ss.

silver i think ur right....
sorry shimanocono, i was just speaking the truth of how i felt but sorry


I agree with Shim!!! The reason your cory hides all the time IS because it is by itself!! As for them not being outgoing in pet shops weel that could be due to always having people staring in at them, having people tapping and pounding on the glass to watch them fly around and any other number of things.

Corydoras need to be in small groupsof their own kind to feel safe and secure. If you were to get a few more....say 2-3 I am sure you would see them way more often!!

Although I deal mainly with cichlids, I have brought in a few corydoras species recently and have really gotten to like them. I will definately be bringing in more!!!

I currently have 100 Corydoras julii and it really is an awesome sight seeing how this large a group swim together.

my cory doesn't really hide, he just not move, he can't hide in the cave because my damn rtb shark is in there gaurding......
:eek: Everyone in this tank is flaring a little! :p

I've mentioned this before and haven't gotten any feedback, so ICBWAT, but ISTM that all corydoras are not created equal! I only have experience with two types, the peppered and the bronze, but they are like night and day, and I bought them all at different times.

The peppered are quite active (when the light is on and after feeding time, when all the fish get hopping), not at all shy, and seem pretty easy going. The bronze are skittish and tend to freak out over everything. I mean they look like they are having a heart attack. They are the last to come out and eat and the first to go back in the plants and hide. Do I just have weird fish? Has anyone else noticed that their bronze corys are high strung? I have a pretty non-threatening environment here and they are still really jumpy.

Anyway, I guess what I am saying is, it might not help Kevin a lot to get more bronze corys if they are all going to be like the one he has now, just as a group instead of alone. He might be better off trying to trade the bronze for something he perceives as more active or less skittish, keeping in mind he hasn't much space. My krib is pretty aggressive, and my peppered cory wasn't fazed by him at all when they shared tank space in a ten gallon.

Kevin, what I am hearing is that you'd like to keep your shark, at least until it gets too big or you can get a bigger tank for it, but you are hoping for some advice on how to give your other fish a modicum of security. I find that having a lot of (fake, in my case) plants toward the back of the aquarium gives my shyest fish plenty of security and allows everyone to sort out their designated areas.

Having another little cave might be good, too, if you have enough space. I find that my bronze corys do hide in the plants or in the corners of the tanks, but my peppered corys just rest anywhere at the bottom when the tank isn't lively.

As far as the guppies go, I can appreciate that you want something more colorful to look at. and the fancy male guppies do have those beautiful tails. If you had plenty of plants, it might work out with the guppies, or you might consider just adding a couple more platies, since you have some of those already. The stores always seem to have very colorful platies and swords. The platies might have a better chance against the shark, if push came to shove, since they're bigger. Just try not to overstock. :)

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