r these good comination?

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agreed about trying not to overstock,I made that mistake and my tank was cloudy forever until I took a few fish back to the store, also you can buy a small pvc pipe, maybe an elbow or curved piece or something and your cory may like that to hide in, a place to call his own
as far as guppies go.....I have 4 that my daughter refuses to let me give away because she picked 1 of them out at the store and named it rainbow and that's rainbow's family :rolleyes: , all they do is "frollic" around in circles,play, play ,play(or mate,I'm not sure what's going on there), they dwell towards the surface , pick at the plants & beg for food any time I open the lid, but they're really pretty & they're NEVER still until the lights go out then they all go to the top to sleep (immediately it's like they're canaries) so they're not territorial
I know your debating between a betta or the guppies and you really might enjoy the guppies, if you want a betta I'll be honest and say it will be fine in a LARGE bowl as long as you change some water out of it a few times a week , I know some will disagree but I had my most recent betta in a large bowl until I bought him a small 2 gallon hex with hood light undergravel filter and all that .....and he HATES it, he freaked out over the bubbles, he was in a panic for a few hours until I unplugged it & he quickly settled in, I have another betta in an identical tank and he doesn't mind it(except no lights can be turned on or he flares like crazy).....but the other one is sitting in his ....unplugged no filtration, perfectly content the other one with filtration and no lights :rolleyes: ..weirdos. And also they're much more personable after spending some time in a bowl I've noticed, my 1st betta lived in a little betta hex for 6 months before he moved into the big community tank, so maybe you can have both if you get the betta a nice little place if his own on your desk or something, but they ARE territorial when other fish are around so he will want to mark a spot for himself if you do wind up putting one in your 10 gallon
But I have to say good job on researching your new additions, that way you don't have any tragedies or stressed fish who get ill on you :thumbs:
That is too cool that you noticed your mistake and apolgized. I am actually proud of another Humane being, amazing!! Most of the time they just pi$$ me off!! ;o)

Good going!!

i have decided! i will get 3 guppies 1 male and 2 female btw is there such thing as a fancy female guppy?

As for the rtb shark i think i'll probably trade or give it back to the pet shop when he get's bigger.......

Bronze Cory: My bronze cory always stay at the corner behind my cave, and rest, no exercise, lazy and wierd fish and i think i'm feeding it a bit too much, i think he has a pot belly (not sure).

i can't add any swordtails, cause they get quite big.
Well, good choice about the rts. Hopefully the store will give you credit for him! :)
Hi Kevin,
Yes there are fancy female guppies, often in the same tanks with the males, but they will be noticeably less glamorous, and I think they are also bigger than the males. In my very first tank I had a fancy tailed male who I called 'Flash', he was so amazing, and I had two females that were plain colored up to their tails, but their tails were solid velvety black and pretty big. I have read that females are being bred to look almost as pretty as the males, but I have not seen any of these in the pet stores. Sadly, none of their babies that survived ever grew as pretty as the parents, and the parents eventually died. Have fun making your choices!

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