
Because we are the bestest country in the world , LONG LIVE ENGLAND!! :D



Just out of curiosity. Do you all use words for money that you dont really use in conversation very often, but you know exactly what it means? Like Moolah or dough?

"Dude, can I borrow some moolah, I need to buy some fish?"
"Hey man, pay up." "Sorry, I dont have any dough at the moment, these fish are expensive"

Im pretty sure you in Europe do use this phrase meaning money...
"Would Mr. Washington, and his twin brother convince you otherwise?"
... just kidding, i have a feeling you dont use that one.
Being a big fan of 'The Goon Show', I rather liked Spike's term for dosh: 'Spondoolics'.
Just out of curiosity. Do you all use words for money that you dont really use in conversation very often, but you know exactly what it means? Like Moolah or dough?

It's not just when talking about dosh. I can use words that the silly beggers south o'the border wulnae even ken. :unsure:
alot of people are starting to refer to money as sheets now too

'that will be ten sheets', i.e. £10
as stated a quid is a £.

we dont use Euro's here.

We use the queens English and the queens currency.

Simon - technically it was'nt a question from MW, just a statement :p

Comments like that is why Residents of the USA (and most of the world for that matter) either think that Wales does not exist or is a part of England :p

We don't all speak the Queens English, some of us speak Welsh or even Gaelic ;)

Now where did I leave that ladder to climb down off my soapbox ;) :D :crazy:
as stated a quid is a £.

we dont use Euro's here.

We use the queens English and the queens currency.

Simon - technically it was'nt a question from MW, just a statement :p

Comments like that is why Residents of the USA (and most of the world for that matter) either think that Wales does not exist or is a part of England :p

Wales isnt part of England, But is part of the United Kingdom
those were the days when £1 was a note ahhh lovely now a quid is a coin it goes nowhere lmao

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