Quick Question


Aug 17, 2004
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Mesa, Arizona-US
I was just wondering what the draw to bettas? I'm a petsitter and went to walk a dog today and his owner had 7-10 jars with a betta in each one, plus another decent sized tank with loaches and ish, but i wondered why someone would want 10 jars with 1 fish in each of them... :*)
That like asking why a person loves dogs soo much. . or cats soo much. .

I think each person has that is into fish as a hobby chooses their type that they love and start to collect.

That could be a complete shot in the dark. :lol:
lol, guess i didn't think about it that way. I just thought it might be boring to focus on 1 fish when there is so many different types you could incorporate with it. As for the dog and cat reference...I don't know anyone with 8 dogs in their kitchen, and people with multiple dogs usually have at least a couple different breeds :lol:

ps, i really am curious as to what draws you all into the "betta zone" or wutever you wanna call it, i'm not trying to be a jerk. Is it cuz they flair up? is it the long fins? isn't there other fish that can do the same so you wouldn't have to have 10 jars laying around with 1 fish in each one? just curious...sorry
lol, guess i didn't think about it that way. I just thought it might be boring to focus on 1 fish when there is so many different types you could incorporate with it. As for the dog and cat reference...I don't know anyone with 8 dogs in their kitchen, and people with multiple dogs usually have at least a couple different breeds :lol:

ps, i really am curious as to what draws you all into the "betta zone" or wutever you wanna call it, i'm not trying to be a jerk. Is it cuz they flair up? is it the long fins? isn't there other fish that can do the same so you wouldn't have to have 10 jars laying around with 1 fish in each one? just curious...sorry
Well I guess you could sort of consider that each type of fin/tail type is like another breed of betta. There are the veil tails, crowntails, spadetails, half moons, plakats, double tails, etc. There's quite a bit of variety. Also, bettas aren't like most typical fish... they often develop a personality, and get excited when their owner enters the room. Check out some of the different types of bettas on http://www.aquabid.com and you'll see what a huge variety there is. There are other photos here as well http://www.bettatalk.com/showroom1.htm

As far as breeding is concerned, it is challenging and requires alot of work and patience. It's not like having a couple of mollies or guppies in a tank where they reproduce on their own. For more info check out these links:


Hopefully this answers some of your questions.
Personality and variety!! Every single betta is different both personality-wise and in regard to looks. They come in every colour you can imagine, there are different tail types to choose from, and heck, they even have different faces! :lol:
thanks, i didn't realize there wuz such variation w/in the breed. :S Next time i go to that house i'll have to look at each one more closely and see if they are really all the same like i assumed :*)
Absolutely its personality. They really have big personalities, they interact with you, and they have such an amazing lifecycle and reproduction. Very unique and interesting to own.

I have one Betta, he thinks he is a dog. He literally wags with excitement and comes when I talk to him. Can't say the same for a tetra:))
thanks, i didn't realize there wuz such variation w/in the breed. :S Next time i go to that house i'll have to look at each one more closely and see if they are really all the same like i assumed :*)

Buy a betta and you will be hooked. They are such loners and you get attached to them. I go in lfs and have to steel myself not to buy one, particularly if it looks miserable or ill. It doesnt even have to be beautiful. My second betta years and years ago I got from my lfs and the bloke told me not to have it as it was so tatty, but to have one of the better bettas. I insisted I had that one and they made me sign to say I knew the condition it was in and wouldnt ask for a refund. He was the most beautiful betta his fins when they grew were blue and purply. I had him for 2 years and couldnt bring myself to have another one so went in for puffas..now am back to bettas. ps sorry for the long posting.
Personally, I have some kind of specific reasons for loving bettas so much.

1. They come in SO many beautiful colors and patterns.

2. They have such unique personalities that I just haven't seen in many fish their size.

3. The way they move is so graceful the way the can bend their bodies and all. That's something a lot of other fish just can't do.

4. Their shows of aggression are so....GORGEOUS and IMPRESSIVE...which brings me to...

5. Their spawning rituals, while violent, are SO beautiful to see

I'm sure I could keep going with this. But I think that covers my main reasons for loving this fish so much.

While at home sick one day, I was watching my bettas, and wondering, "How did that happen? I only planned to have one!" But each one is unique and has its own personality. I am only able to resist having more because I've run out of room for tanks.
Thats really funny, because I always wonder why people like Cichlids, Catfish, etc etc so much! -_-

Bettas are definitely my favorite kind of fish, by far. They have really different personalities, a rainbow of colors and types, and they just aren't a "swim back and fourth and back and fourth" fish... My Dad has had huge aquariums with really pretty fish, but they're all so oblivious to people, and none of them are really distinct. I can easily tell all of my jarred Bettas apart (I have 30 juveniles jarred, ATM) by their coloring/finnage/sex/personality. They will eat from my hand! They know when I enter the room, and they all rush to their feeding hole and stare up impatiently. Overall, there is NO fish like a Betta! :wub: That's why I love them. Also, females can be kept together in large communities! So, not all Bettas need to be isolated. A lot of people also have success housing Bettas with more passive tank-mates.

If, by your comment, you meant why would anyone want to keep their fish in jars... I don't think Bettas should live permenantly in jars. I think that's pointless too. They love to have plenty of room to swim and explore, and living in a jar for their lifetime isn't really fair. Some people do so because they are breeders, however, or they're temporarily housing them in jars until they can set up individual large tanks or a large divided tank for them.

Also... my friends call me E-money =P it's my gangsta nickname.

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