Questions On Soroity Tanks


Fish Fanatic
Oct 5, 2005
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Im new to keeping bettas and currently have 2 males with another one arriving tomorrow
Iv seen msgs on here from people who keep all girls tanks. I didnt realise this was possible
I just have a few questions because i think i may try this out.
Is there a certain number of female you have to keep together to avoid problems?
And what sort of tank size should I look at?
Iv seen a few gorgeous females (4 Actually) 2 on a website and my lfs has some gorgeous coloured ones at the moment. So possibly looking at 4-5.
Is this a good number or not?

Im not jumping into this and I did quiet a bit of research before getting ym boys but think this might be something id be interested in If i can do it right

Any help would be greatly appreiated as i got alot help on here before getting my boys

Thanks alot
Its generally reccomended that for a good sorrority to have a 10g or over tank ith 4-6 girls in. You generally have to make sure they all have one thing to be their territory so they don't fight over it. Individual girls vary though, take mine. They don't live together. Tiberia is pretty much a boy, she flares big, proper flares, greedy, attempts bubblenests but bars at anything. Saang finds it amusing to chase slow moving things bigger than her and bite them, but Tiana loves everyone, even the male that was in the female tank at the lfs. So you see, be prepared to have spare tanks at the ready in case you get a few troublemakers.
Well I dont have the space or money to buy another tank I have one already set up for my axolotl who wouldnt mind re-locating but the tanks only 7 gallons. its 18inch long - 10 inches wide- 10inches high.

Can I make an all girls tank in this or would I be better dividing up for 3-4males?
Can anyone help me? My first little girl arrived to day and shes gorgeous!Little steel blue hal moon Would really like to make an all girls tank as my lfs has some gorgeous female in a the mo
I have 6 girlies in a 20G and even in that size they bite and chase each other sometimes. It was all out war when I put them in together the first time. Don't expect females to be unaggressive. You should wait to put any in the tank until you have them all some none claim the tank as their own because that would make them even more aggressive.
I have 6 female in a 36 Gal community tank. When you put them in young they don't battle as much. But they are going to flare and fins will get nipped. They need to set up a pecking order. Once they do that all is good and only every now and then when one challenges the order will fins get nipped. I have one female that is overly mean. I some times feel I should take her out. She is so mean one red girl hinds in the little boat to keep away from her. The mean one is a pink body and red fins. Guess who she picks on The other red females and leave the blue and other colors alone. Get different color females. Try and get them young they adjust better when they are young.

I personally would not keep more then 4 females in a 10 Gal tank. They really need room to hind from each other. They are peaceful towards other types of fish but do to their little aggressive out burst they really need more room. I don't feel I could put any more bettas in my 36 gal tank. They would not have enough room. Each females sets up her own little territory. Ex. My blue one stays in the right corner the purple one can be found in the bottom left side the so on.

3 in a 10 Gal is all I think would be comfortable. But the more females the better. To avoid problems it is bet to keep more then 2 I find a good number is 5 6 or 7. More is better because it spreads the aggression out.

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