
Nice pictures.

I see what you mean. Although both aeneus and paleatus fry have spots on their back, aeneus have several blotches on their side and paleatus don't. Yours don't seem to have them (but the pictures aren't that clear). Also it appears that they have a stripe through their eye which neither Cory fry have. At least not the ones I've seen pictures of. But then again, there could be variations.

Time will tell. Keep the pictures coming as they're very informative.

Good luck and cheers.

Cory_Dad yep they all have a stripe running through their eye...I will keep the pics coming...they are doing well in their new tank....and are flying up and down...the platy fry seems amused by them, and keep chasing them...but the cory's are

More Pics.

I cannot believe how much the 3 baby cory's have grown since moving them...I am not sure from the pictures today...whether you can tell if they have grown...but they were not much bigger than the platy fry...when I put them in, and you can see the comparison now....they are doing so well in the tank....feeding well...and now the platy fry do not chase them!

Cory_Dad.....tried to get as clearer pictures as possible...for you to help me to identify them..!

I will keep updating you with pics...hopefully getting better the more I take :lol:



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I cannot believe how much the 3 baby cory's have grown since moving them...I am not sure from the pictures today...whether you can tell if they have grown...but they were not much bigger than the platy fry...when I put them in, and you can see the comparison now....they are doing so well in the tank....feeding well...and now the platy fry do not chase them!

Cory_Dad.....tried to get as clearer pictures as possible...for you to help me to identify them..!

I will keep updating you with pics...hopefully getting better the more I take :lol:


they are loooveley ... x.x. gimme some lol
Ouch! Those last pictures strained my poor 'ole eyes.

There seems to be a definite green blotch on the first and second pictures. I've never seen a green paleatus (some green but not a big blotch of green). Sure seems like aenus.

Now the third picture looks (from what I can tell) like a different species. It could be paleatus. See how the dorsal fin is more pointed than in the first 2 pictures where they are more rounded? At least it looks more pointed to me.

Coryologist, you out there or have you gone blind too? :p


Ok, I found a picture of a quite green paleatus, notice the pointed dorsal fin:


But I still think 1 & 2 are aenus.
More Pics.

I cannot believe how much the 3 baby cory's have grown since moving them...I am not sure from the pictures today...whether you can tell if they have grown...but they were not much bigger than the platy fry...when I put them in, and you can see the comparison now....they are doing so well in the tank....feeding well...and now the platy fry do not chase them!

Cory_Dad.....tried to get as clearer pictures as possible...for you to help me to identify them..!

I will keep updating you with pics...hopefully getting better the more I take :lol:


they are loooveley ... x.x. gimme some lol

LOL...I would give you some...but I only have 3.... :)

Ouch! Those last pictures strained my poor 'ole eyes.

There seems to be a definite green blotch on the first and second pictures. I've never seen a green paleatus (some green but not a big blotch of green). Sure seems like aenus.

Now the third picture looks (from what I can tell) like a different species. It could be paleatus. See how the dorsal fin is more pointed than in the first 2 pictures where they are more rounded? At least it looks more pointed to me.

Coryologist, you out there or have you gone blind too? :p


Ok, I found a picture of a quite green paleatus, notice the pointed dorsal fin:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

But I still think 1 & 2 are aenus.

OK Cory_dad...thanks for the input....I think looking at them they are bronze aenus....but I am far from an expert...didnt actually notice the green in the picture until you mentioned it...but looking at them just now, there is a blotch of green on them....sorry I hurt your eyes...I am worse than worse for taking photo's...will have to ask my partner to take some as he is a bit better with the camera than me...I have no patience and want to get a picture straight away...where as he sits still and waits patiently....but that is probably the only thing he is better than me at :D :D
By the fins... I would say bronze. They both start with spots, and both can have the green. The fins are clear/bronze color though. I don't see any spots in them. With mine... I find that the pointed fin usually means it is a male that is going to have a longer fin... I have several like that. Don't count on it though. It doesn't always hold true.
I can't be sure, but from the pics I would be surprised if it were peppers.
does anyone know if it is 'safe' to post cory eggs?

i would love (and will pay!) for some eggs of different types of corys that i can 'raise' myself. my sterbai spawn frequently but i cannot get the fry to survive in the main tank so have set up a fry tank in the kids room. so far it has day old sterbai fry and platy fry in it!
i think it would be easier to send eggs than sending corys in the post lol!

they are very hard to get over here. the only ones available seem to be albino and im not so keen on them.

any offers????????
I don't currently have any eggs, but I do know that you can post eggs. I have done it. My bronze layed eggs on one of my amazon sword plants. I wrapped the plant in very wet newspaper, and placed it in a ziplock bag with most of the air squeezed out. Then I sent it priority to Jollysue. They made it from Louisiana to California just fine. They hatched out in her tank, and are doing fine.
I tried it because I wanted to know if it would work. Shipping eggs would be so much cheeper than the actual fish. It would also probably work in some moss.
If you find someone with eggs... it would be worth a try. :good:
does anyone know if it is 'safe' to post cory eggs?

i would love (and will pay!) for some eggs of different types of corys that i can 'raise' myself. my sterbai spawn frequently but i cannot get the fry to survive in the main tank so have set up a fry tank in the kids room. so far it has day old sterbai fry and platy fry in it!
i think it would be easier to send eggs than sending corys in the post lol!

they are very hard to get over here. the only ones available seem to be albino and im not so keen on them.

any offers????????

Well if you were in the UK, I would gladly of sent you some, but would not be happy posting abroad..sorry :(
Well an update, no more pics as yet....the three cory I have...were doing well....but lost one to fungus...poor little mite had done so well to survive upto now, did try and treat it, but unfortunately lost it after a couple of days...the remaining two, which have turned out to be bronze, are now nice and big...they have been moved to a tank which has other cory's in...and love it swimming about with their own bronze decided to spawn again at the thought I would save some thought a friend of mine might want some, but unfortunately neither of us had the time to collect or deliver them, but as I had saved them...I thought oh well may aswell see how they go, as from the last batch I had about 23 eggs and only ended up with 2 survivng fry...anyway they have now hatched....the only thing I had to hand when collecting the eggs, was an ice cream tub which I had used before, but am now regretting putting them in there as it is a pain to keep clean, I counted last night how many had hatched....luckily they were all laying very still....1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,....................55, 56, to 61.....and probably missed counting some as they started wriggling about....I must have about 70+....having just got home from work, I have noticed a couple of dead am going to try and move them into a breeder net tonight, as it is a lot easier to keep clean.

Becks....give us a shout if you want some cory babies...LOL.....! :)

Here are a few pics of can see how they have grown in the picture with one near the sterbai I have....! Please excuse the bright red gravel it actually looks orange in the daughter picked eh? Why do they always want to pick the brightest colour.

This is just a temporary home for them for now....until I have a move round of all my fish...they will then be put in with more bronze cory's I have....but for now they are very happy with the sterbai they are living with, and follow them about all over the place....! But I do know they like to live with their own species, and don't worry they will once I sort out my tanks!


(roll on for the next batch to grow to this size.... :lol: )


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