question on transporting fish

Here's a link to a site on how to transport fish, which contains the following info...
  • Siphon off a sufficient amount of water from your tank into the fish’s holding container. Transfer a few plant stems from the tank to the holding container. This will help reduce the shock the fish will experience in their temporary habitat, and discourage or prevent them from jumping out.
  • Gently and carefully catch the fish with the net, and transfer them to the holding container. Partially cover the container.
  • Unplug and remove all external attachments that may fall off or get in the way when you are moving the tank. You may want to provide aeration to the holding container to ensure that the fish have enough oxygen while their new home is being set up. This is especially true if you are moving a large tank since that normally takes quite a bit of time.
  • Continue to siphon off as much of the water as you can from the tank to the buckets you have prepared for transporting the water to the new location. Leave only enough water in the tank to keep the gravel bed and landscaping undisturbed. If you're moving to a nearby location, you may not need to uproot the plants. If you're moving a relatively large tank, you may have to unload the gravel, too.
  • Obtain all of the necessary assistance you think you might need and then lift the tank and carefully move it to its new location. Set it down as gently as possible.
  • Bring the water containers to the new site, and refill the relocated tank by siphoning the water back in. Do not rapidly pour the water directly from the buckets because this will upturn the gravel bed and destroy the landscaping. Add new water as necessary to fill the tank to its ideal water level.
  • Reinstall the external attachments you had removed, and plug in the heaters, lights, and aerator pumps.
  • Test the water’s integrity (temperature, pH, and chlorine/ammonia content), and adjust it as necessary. You can also add a normal dose of a stress-reducing product for fish.
  • As soon as the tank’s conditions are "back to normal," gently return the fish to the tank using your fishnet. You can dispose of the water in the holding container because, depending on how long the fish stayed there without the benefit of filtration, the water may already be polluted.
  • Clean up the spills and put away the buckets; then sit back and enjoy your "new" setup.
I found this doing a Google search on "transporting freshwater aquarium fish".

Sairie I apologize for this getting so messy. I was just trying to give you the correct information. One thing the link I provided above does mention to not feed your fish for a few days, so there will not be additional waste created in the transport bags.
c.e said:
Hmm. Have you ever seen fish that lay eggs. They fan their eggs. Do you know why? Water movement oxygenates the water.

It's not the same thing as adding bottle oxygen to water. And why they fan, one reason is that, that eggs keep "clean" and dirty doesn't covered eggs.

WHen you use airbubbles in a tank, the airbubble is not injecting O2 in the water. The actually movement as the bubble rises and pops DOES oxygenate the water.

You are now mixing too different thing: using normal airpump pumping air (air is mixture of diff. kind of gases) and using bottle oxygen (= O2, much more onxygen than in air).

Yes, fish cannot breath oxygen, they will die.

Some fishes do "breathe" air, e.g. labyrinth fishes and cories, e.g. cories swallow that air. Now if you have use bottle oxygen and there is too much oxygen above surface, fishes - that can "breathe" above surface - will die.

But earlier you said bacteria LIVE ON SURFACES? You are NOW contradicting yourself.

First you must realize that water bacteria, parasites etc. and nitrofication bacteria are not same bacteria. And yes, bacteria that may cause diseases live in water too - almost everywhere in your tank - but nitrification bacteria lives only on different kinds of material, bottom, side glass, wood, decoration, filters...

Could you please name of few books. I LOVE to do research. I like to be very knoweledgeable with aquarium fish.

Go to the nearest library or university and find books about fish physiology.

I'm not sure if you know this, but fish cannot take in O2 like we do, they do not have lungs, but gills.

Some fishes actually can breathe air too. But now we were talking about labyrinth fishes and cories. If you have never heard about that organ that labyrinth fishes have, then you should read about that. Why do you think cories swim on surface if
they don't swallow air? Just for fun?

BTW, when you buy fish from the store. Take a look where they get the water from to put in the bag with the fish. I guess, with your theory, just ask them to put the fish in tap water so your fish at home does not get any diseases. :rofl:

First I thought that I don't even bother to answer this, but after I read your comments I need to give you an advice: Please don't give any advice concerning fish diseases because you definately don't know anything about them. I know, I don't know anything about fish diseases and that's why I don't usually give any advices. They usually need more studies to be sure, what disease it actually is.. But I also know that you don't know even that's much as I know.

And yes, they add water from tank to the bag and finally fishes. Then I bring them to my home, let the temperature become even with my quarantine tank. After that I use net and pick up those fishes one by one and put them to quarantine. Water that became with those fishes is poured to the drain - because it probably contains potentional bacteria.

I also have access to several aquarium books

Unfortunately most of aquarium books are totally rubbish.

I'm sure they can vouch for me there that I do not give any wrong information

Well, good for you! :cool: I wish I could be as smart as you are...
I don't quote books because I don't know how true the information is.

I am saying what comes from my PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. Much of what I have learnt along the way has come from the PERSONAL EXPERIENCE of other avid aquarists. PERSONAL EXPERIENCE means more to me then any book. ;)
Ok, debate it turned into............. just wanted to add a caution. Someone advised the use of a trash bag as a liner for transport. Be very wary, many of them have a treatment to deal with order OR worse, some have an additive for faster breakdown in landfills. I can only guess that these would be toxic to fish. I once used a trash bag to bring home recently harvested chickens from a neighbor's house. I had to discard the whole bunch as the trash bag was treated and it certainly made the wish to raise our own toxin free null and void.

Ok, debate it turned into.............

Yeah, it has. I don't even bother reading any of the comments cause now it seems like.....

Someone advised the use of a trash bag as a liner for transport. Be very wary, many of them have a treatment to deal with order OR worse, some have an additive for faster breakdown in landfills.
I understand that some large plastic containers leak some chemicals also, that can be toxic to fish. This is why SW fishkeepers use only rubbermade trashcans when they prep their RO water and salt.

BTW, my offer still stands...I guess I want to learn from personal experience of performing a 100% water change with fresh clean water. You don't have to worry about the water change, becuase I will take care of it for you. Great deal I think. Please PM me if your interested.

DISCLAIMER: I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY FISH DEATHS OR ILLNESSES DUE TO THE LARGE WATER CHANGE. I will bring a similar sheet of paper for this person to sign with valid names becuase I don't want to be resposible for the loss of any of their fish.

note: Offer expires April 10,2004 and is only valid within 20 mile limit of Chicago, Illinois.

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