**Question of the week** | What is your favorite fish that you own?


Fish Guru
Tank of the Month 🏆
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 8, 2019
Reaction score
Lawrenceburg, KY
We all love our fish... some more than others! Last week’s QOTW question, was “What is your favorite fish?” - that included those you owned and those you didn’t own.

This time, you must choose your favorite fish, out of all the fish you own!

I’ll go first!

My favorite fish have got to be my DaVinci Clownfish pair! They have so much personality:

Pictures are welcome! :fish:
my favorite fish and 3rd favorite fish have passed away but this is queen, my favorite guppy
shes super lively and her weird spine thing (idk why but it recently happened) slowed her down but still happy
she looks grumpy in this photo probably cuz i kept taking photos and not feeding
queen guppy.jpeg
Same as last week. My Bolivian Ram… personality, friendly, gets along with my Tiger Barbs- even schools with them!
My favorite fish that I own..... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I love all my fish though. If I HAD to choose it would probably be my Cory hastatus. They are so active and easy to spot in the tank, because of their dark tails. My trio had 40 babies a few days ago!
These sorts of questions are always so hard to answer, and I could go into all the reasons why... but I'll make it simple.

I've got a planted tank with a large group of Iriatherina werneri that I always enjoy watching.

Tomorrow my answer may change, but that's it right now.
I like all fish but if I had to choose I would choose the pearl danio. They don't have much color but they are super energetic. Started to hate them though when they started to breed like rabbits.LOL.
My male betta. I raised him in my community tank and he has never bullied any of my other fish. He is super friendly and always comes to the top of the tank when I'm there.
Sure, I'm not able to take a pic right now, but when I get back I'll post one.

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