Question For A Mod


Mar 1, 2011
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Ummm, could you check out my zoanthids fragging guide? Could you maybe pin it? Or ask me to edit it? I thought I would write since there are no fragging guides here. I might do one on mushrooms soo.


Ummm, could you check out my zoanthids fragging guide? Could you maybe pin it? Or ask me to edit it? I thought I would write since there are no fragging guides here. I might do one on mushrooms soo.



If you check MARC, there is already a Youtube video guide on fragging mushrooms and leathers.

I've read through your zoa guide. It's pretty good, but I'd love some pictures on the process. I'll have another look at it tonight to let you know if any other changes should be made.

Sorry, yes I did see it, but I got caught up.
Right. I was going to pass on the shrooms anyway. I will try to update it with pictures. Thanks!
All right! I added a link to the pictures of my fagging stuff. I will add more next time I frag. I also went through the guide and made it better.
I can't post them directly on the post because it says I can't use that content on the site. So, the most I could was add a link to the post leading to the pictures. Wait, you can take the pictures from the link and post them on the thread? Because I would like to see them on the thread.
I can't post them directly on the post because it says I can't use that content on the site. So, the most I could was add a link to the post leading to the pictures. Wait, you can take the pictures from the link and post them on the thread? Because I would like to see them on the thread.

Are these your pictures?

I can't post them directly on the post because it says I can't use that content on the site. So, the most I could was add a link to the post leading to the pictures. Wait, you can take the pictures from the link and post them on the thread? Because I would like to see them on the thread.

Are these your pictures?

Yes. I just took them. My photo bucket name is frogger298. Umm, if you can, could you only post he following: the gloves, razor blade, frag plugs, bowl, tweezers, and goggles? Thanks for any help :good: oh, and the ones of the zoas. The frags, and the parents.
That's strange that it won't let you post the individual pictures. Let me see if I can, but I've got to sign off to do my taxes now. I'll see what I can do later today.


Ok, when you hover over the image, you'll see four lines, one says image tag. if you click on it, it'll copy. Try that first. I just find it really strange that you can't copy your own images, especially when I can copy your images on your photobucket and it's not even my account.

Would this work for iPad too? I tried it. I edited my post and copied the image tag. In the post, it doesn't show the image just the tag.
Would this work for iPad too? I tried it. I edited my post and copied the image tag. In the post, it doesn't show the image just the tag.

I haven't forgotten this, I've just been swamped with work. I'm a college professor & it's finals week.

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