Question about tank water


Fish Crazy
Mar 16, 2005
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Yesterday I was feeding my boys some peas when I noticed there was a "residue" coating the water. It wasnt colord in anyway really, you could just notice it was a few shades diffrent than the normal water. Thinking it was form the peas I waited a bit then did my normal 50% water change.
Today I came back and checked and it is still there. Im curious if maybe it is my Algae Detroyer, if you notice in the bottle it seperates into a white and a light brown. I also add a couple drops of Stress Coat with aloe every other change which has a bit of a tint to it and AquaSafe. Do you think the residue is from this or should I be concerned about my tanks? :/

Oh yes forgot to add this is in all of my tanks not just one. :/
I had a similar situation, and it turned out to be the betta pellets I was feeding, putting a "oil slick" if you will on the top. It was a petsmart brand of pellets. needless to say I no longer use that brand.
The reason I was using that brand was to give them a variety of pellets instead of just one brand (hikari) of pellets. Check your food. in my case it was it.
I used to have that little film of slime on my tanks - I have decided it is from a lack of enough surface agitation. I put a slight bubble drip into each tank and it's gone.

My best guess is that it comes form a combo of things - slime from the fish itself, slime and stuff from the food, etc.
Did it happen to be Top Fin Betta Bits? -_-

You cant even really see it on Vegas side he has the whole top of his tank covered with a bubble nest :blink:

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