Question about feeding


New Member
Jan 30, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Fish food makers want us to feed them 3 times a day, as much as they can eat in 3-5 minutes.

Alot of people here "say" they feed their fish 1 or maybe 2 times a day.

My question is, if I fed them 3 times a day, as much as they can eat in one or 2 minutes, would that be the same (as far as waste production) as feeding them once a day for 3-5 minutes?

Although I hear they can survive being fed just once a day, I just feel better feeding them more than once a day.

What do you all think?
not sure about waste problem but i know my fish could go through a tub in a day if i gave them 3 x 2 minute feeds.

i give them a generous feed every morning first thing and every few days drop a cooked cucumber slice in and they love it
You will probaly have more waste. I feed mine 1 time a day 7 days a week. 1 of those days I feed brine shrimp tho.
I feed mine every other day and haven't had any problems. Before I knew better I fed them twice a day and they didn't even get excited about feeding time. Now they get excited.
gale said:
Now they get excited.
That's why I like feeding them! :)

I love it when they do the "nose to glass dance" and "pop" the surface when they chomp away.

When I feed them what they can eat in 1 minute or so, they will do that all day long when I'm near the tank.

I was just wondering if the poopage produced was greater with mulitple "short" feedings than with 1 "large" feeding. (until they wont eat anymore.)

Ok..well...I'm a twice a day feeder. I give a light flake in the morning. Evenings they get glassworms or bloodwormsor bring shrimp rotating. I do cut the frozen cube down tho' so I don't overfeed. The frozen bloodworms cause a huge feeding frenzy...they love them. SH
I've always wondered exactly how I should be feeding my guys. I have one who will not ever touch flake, and only eats the meat. The tetras I have prefer flake, but will eat the meats. I also, on the otherhand, have loaches that cruise to the surface to eat ANYTHING that drops into the tank. It almost seems as if they eat almost everything and leave nothing for the others.
I used to feed mine three times a day now i only feed them once in the morning. One nice big pinch and they are set for the day. It is actually a money saver and then they go into a feeding frenzy and it is very fun to watch.
I was wondering about this as in how much to feed. I try to vary my fishes diet with flake, bloodworm (frozen), daphnia delica, and a shelled pea once or twice a week.

With flake, I'm really not sure how much in terms of number of flakes to put in! I hear people saying "as much in 2 or 3 minutes" or whatever... but my platys + dwarf gourami will take up to five minutes to eat 2 to 3 flakes all together! Usually they don't notice it until it starts to sink.

Does anyone know of even an extremely rough guidline about how many flakes per fish? What does everyone here do?

I'm always afraid i'm starving my fish!

Oh.. and I feed them once a day btw
I feed my fish once a day. Always in the mornings.
I feed them 1 day flakes and the next day peletes.
When your feeding your fish flakes, if each of your fish
take down 4 - 5 decent size flakes they should be fine
for the day also this depends on what size fish you have.
This applies to anything under 5cm.

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