WHAT! You went over my Helmet!
It says on the top it has Program AE which means the camera calculates proper exposure eg. 1/60 sec F8 but if you know its a portrait and you want a nicer out of focus background you can use a dial/button to pull the aperture down to F4 or whatever and it will change the shutter speed to keep the exposure correct.
I use mine almost exclusively on Aperture priority or manual for landscape/wildlife, I use F8 to 11 for landscape stuff most of the time and F4 or 5.6 for wildlife (to get sharpness from nose to ears!) with a 300mm lens. If you have amateur quality lenses you can pretty much leave the camera on F8 in aperture priority mode and let the meter work out the shutter speed as F8 usually gives best performance for non-pro lenses.
So what would happen if I were to decrease the shutter speed? would it result in over exposure?
and also how would I make something have a motion blur but have the background in focus? eg a car moving on a road. (the car looks blurred and the background is sharp.