Quartine Tanks Stocking

Good advice to keep in mind for later! I still dont know if I'd ever get into it or not, but it is a thought. Lol.
I enjoy breeding ... the cories especially. It's a rollercoaster sometimes but I enjoy raising the babies and I'm very lucky to have a great lfs who are happy to take them 
See...this is why I've thought about it....this area doesn't really have a good local fish only store. With knowledge people and such. That would be quite an undertaking though!
there's no reason why you couldn't privately breed and then advertise what you have 'for sale'. Probably check if you need a licence or something though first. You never know ...
True. Didn't think of that either. But it will be a while down the road if I ever get in to it. Probably wouldn't start it until I moved out of here. Not enough space for it. Oh well. Lol.

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