Quality Frozen Food Vitamin/enrichment Supplement?


Fish Herder
Mar 18, 2008
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Certain fish only feed off frozen or live food as we all know but the little fellas from this group that we keep have slim pickings in terms of food, i can only think of 5 or 6 viable and easily obtainable frozen and live foods and sometimes a fish will be picky enough to only accept one of these, this isn't a good diet and doesn't come close to the natural needs of the fish.

There seems to be loads of nutrients for marines but how about freshwater? Any recommendations?

jonnyf84 said:
Certain fish only feed off frozen or live food as we all know but the little fellas from this group that we keep have slim pickings in terms of food, i can only think of 5 or 6 viable and easily obtainable frozen and live foods and sometimes a fish will be picky enough to only accept one of these, this isn't a good diet and doesn't come close to the natural needs of the fish.

There seems to be loads of nutrients for marines but how about freshwater? Any recommendations?


I must admit, I have dosed my tank religiously every week with eSHa Minaroll, which is a vitamin and mineral supplement.
do you think it helped? is there any other opinions?

I'm struggling to believe that more people aren't interested in this, i guess its mainly bread and butter on here that accept a wide range of dried foods. What about the discus breeders, you must enrich your food?

maybe i should post on the oddball thread but its slow for responses.
Liquid children's vitamins, the cheap drug store type. This is often used for treating cichlids with HITH, and is a good preventive measure for larger cichlids in general. There's no reason you couldn't mix a bit in with frozen food, no different than soaking cichlid pellets with it.
Looking at the ingredients they all appear to be much the same. As to whether it has helped, all I can say is that I have never had any Ich or other nasties in there and all my fish are vibrant and active. This said, this could be down to numerous factors, but I for for one will continue dosing, mainly to supplement the RO I use
I was worried that my Puffers were not getting the neutrients they needed when they were constantly eating frozen foods.

Therefore I purchased some Seachem Nourish and have been soaking their food in it once or twice a week, to tell the truth I dont know if it makes a difference but hopefuly it does. My feeling is as long as I am doing all I can to try and keep my fish healthy then I am also happy.

Word of warning tho if you do buy Seachem Nourish it smells BAD!!!

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