Pygmys Are Spawning :)


Fish Herder
Aug 1, 2010
Reaction score
Bedfordshire UK
Ive had these little guys (well, 3 boys and a girl) for about 4 weeks i think. And i was watching her spawn earlier! It would bave been nice to keep the eggs and rear some, coz i do want more, but im not prepared with infusoria etc. ah well. went to lfs today to look for more (3 died shortly after getting them) but they didnt have any :sad: every cory but!
Hi fluffycabbage,

Good for you! Your corys are doing well. Perhaps next time you will be prepared to hatch some of the eggs and raise your own. It's also possible, depending on what other kinds of fish share the tank, to raise a few in heavy clusters of java moss or other plants. :)
Congrats on the spawn :good:

I wasn't prepared when mine spawned,although i did save the eggs,they hatched 3 days later and are sooo tiny,i fed them finely crushed flakes and baby brine shrimp and they did fine on that,i had 15 reared to adulthood,i kept 8 of them and they're thriving with the adults :)
I bought 4 of these little guys today, hope they get in on the action soon :shifty:
i would have moved the eggs but i dont know where she put them :lol: oh and i thought i had to feed them infusoria too, which takes what, a week or so to make up?
Congrats on the spawn :good:

if your still after some there is a guy on ebay that sells them, i just won 10 for £11.50 :hyper:

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