Pygmy Puffer Tank

I've had the pair now for 6 weeks and they seem to have finally settled down. There both feeding great on live or frozen bloodworn and keeping the snails at bay too. The larger of the two is still aggresive to the other one but the other one still gets his fair share of food and won't allow the big guy to get it all his own way anymore.

Now i've had time to watch them and enjoy them I can see why people enjoy keeping this species. There so much fun too watch and so social. They come right up to the glass front to see me now and they seem to really enjoy interaction. They even attack my gravel cleaner when i'm doing their tank. Great little creatures. :good:

PS: I'll finally get some picture up later if I can get batteries for my camera.
Finally I think I can post a picture of my Puffers new home, a 48L trickle filter tank. Special thanks to iSnail. :good


I haven't got a back yet for the tank as you can see. If you look closely you can see one of my DP's in the right lower corner. They're doing really well in their new home. :)
You're welcome :good:

Nice tank! Are you going to add more plants? Glad that you are enjoying your DPs. Funny little things they are :lol:
Finally I think I can post a picture of my Puffers new home, a 48L trickle filter tank. Special thanks to iSnail. :good


I haven't got a back yet for the tank as you can see. If you look closely you can see one of my DP's in the right lower corner. They're doing really well in their new home. :)

Tbh it needs a lot more plants to provide hiding places and retreats should the Puffers fall out and all out war commence
Hi All, I've really enjoyed reading this thread. I've had my DPs for over a year now, and they still suprise me! I've had some of the things you've mentioned happen in my tank. I used to have my 2 male DP's in a six gal Aqua One Bow front tank. It looked nice , but I never managed to take good DP pics because of the bow front.

About a month ago The Chaps started fighting. No big deal, I thought, they've got loads of plants and hiding spots, they'll settle down.


Sanjay (slightly bigger of the two), Took two great big lumps out of Gupta. Luckily he survived, and is now well on his way to recovery (with help from the LFS) in the puffers new home, A ten gal formerly housing my snail collection.

In fact Gupta has recovered to such an extent that he is now the more boistrous of the two fish, and the violence seems to be a thing of the past.

You mentioned about shrimps being eaten (or not as the case may be). My two puffers used to live with five Amano shrimp who have grown up with all their legs and have never been bothered at all by the puffers! On occasion I have seen the shrimp run off with blood worm that one of the puffers was stalking, and still no reaction!

Once the plants have grown a bit I'll try and show you a picture or two.

All the best from Bill.
i wouldnt mind seeing your main tank to see what sort of foliage is in that, because these guys need a LOT of cover when they start getting a bit hungry or bored

im now up to feeding mine twice a day with frozen bloodworm on a spatula swished around the tank so it looks like they are moving, and mine have no problem eating this way, and actually prefer it to live bloodworm which kust go right to the bottom of the tank

ive got a 15g UK tank and mistaingly bought 6 DPs, i will be housing 2 of them in a 30l tank in a few weeks to keep them all seperate and hopefully breed
i wouldnt mind seeing your main tank to see what sort of foliage is in that, because these guys need a LOT of cover when they start getting a bit hungry or bored

im now up to feeding mine twice a day with frozen bloodworm on a spatula swished around the tank so it looks like they are moving, and mine have no problem eating this way, and actually prefer it to live bloodworm which kust go right to the bottom of the tank

ive got a 15g UK tank and mistaingly bought 6 DPs, i will be housing 2 of them in a 30l tank in a few weeks to keep them all seperate and hopefully breed
Not sure if you meant me or not Treelo, but here goes: I have big swathes of twisted Vallis and Mexican Oak Leaf, an Anubais barteri var. nana some Java moss and Java fern plants attached to bog wood pieces and a few camera film pots as hidey holes, and some dwarf Sagg. (Saggitaria natans) in the foreground. And a Water lily.

All the best from Bill.
I love DP's, such fun to watch em. I have four at the moment.

I have named them, fatso, middle 1, middle 2, and tiny. They are not aggressive to each other at all :>

gonna get some ottos for em next week :D

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