Fish Crazy
I've had the pair now for 6 weeks and they seem to have finally settled down. There both feeding great on live or frozen bloodworn and keeping the snails at bay too. The larger of the two is still aggresive to the other one but the other one still gets his fair share of food and won't allow the big guy to get it all his own way anymore.
Now i've had time to watch them and enjoy them I can see why people enjoy keeping this species. There so much fun too watch and so social. They come right up to the glass front to see me now and they seem to really enjoy interaction. They even attack my gravel cleaner when i'm doing their tank. Great little creatures.
PS: I'll finally get some picture up later if I can get batteries for my camera.
Now i've had time to watch them and enjoy them I can see why people enjoy keeping this species. There so much fun too watch and so social. They come right up to the glass front to see me now and they seem to really enjoy interaction. They even attack my gravel cleaner when i'm doing their tank. Great little creatures.

PS: I'll finally get some picture up later if I can get batteries for my camera.