Pygmy Puffer Tank


Fish Crazy
Nov 11, 2006
Reaction score
Runcorn, UK

I am in the middle of setting up a Pygmy Puffer tank. The tank itself is 65L, well planted with a couple of hiding spots and a small amount of bogwood in it. It currently houses 4 Oto's and I plan on getting two Puffers for it. I've done quite a bit oif reading up on this species of fish and most things i've read seem to point towards what i'm setting up. As i'm a member of this forum only and I respect what i've been told in the past and read everyday, I was wondering if anyone else had any more information on this subject and maybe on the feeding subject especially.

Thankyou in advance.
There are more information about puffers in the Oddballs section. Very good articles in the pinned topics and some threads too. Enjoy!
I had 3 at one point in time, great little guys and my god do they have personality :hyper: pretty picky when it comes to eating though... my best luck was feeding them frozen or live blood worms, they loved those little guys!
100% agree :lol: . Mine are so picky that they only eat bloodworms that they think are tasty. They can even tell bloodworms from different packs of the same brand. Fussy little buggers :lol:
Mine certainly prefer bloodworms but they eat brineshrimp, live/frozen daphnia, live ostracods, just about any snail (except the nerites i keep with them). To conclude, any small invert really.
Thanks for the replies guys. :)

I picked my two little fellas up today. They are such amazing fish for such a tiny size. They seem to be pretty nosy too, coming up to the glass to watch me when i'm trying to watch them. I haven't fed them yet so i'm sure i'll see how fussy they are soon. I plan on giving them Bloodworm mostly but also some of my smaller snails out of my other tank and some live brineshrimp when I get chance. Also they don't seem interested in the Oto's and are following each other around all over the tank. I see why people say they have personality.
Live snails in any shape or sizes are my DPs' favourite. They get really excited when they see them. I only feed them very small snails occasionally as treats. How big are your new DPs btw? Enjoy the little guys.
i have these little brown snails what breed loads. and when i use to have one hey seemed to go,then week later bang there about 15 which are 1 cm
hope to see some pic
I have taken some pics and am currently uploading them to my system. Hopefully will have these up in today or tomorrow.

Live snails in any shape or sizes are my DPs' favourite. They get really excited when they see them. I only feed them very small snails occasionally as treats. How big are your new DPs btw? Enjoy the little guys.

They are around 3/4" i'd say, one has a larger electric blue marking on it's side than the other one, thats how i'm telling them apart at this point.

As for snails, I have the cornet shaped ones in my other aquarium. Would these be okay to feed to the Puffers?
Do you mean MTS (Malaysian Trumpet Snails)?? The long pointy ones? They are not ideal since they have very hard shells, although DPs will still suck them out. The best ones would be baby pond snails, ramshorns snails or tadpole snails.
Do you mean MTS (Malaysian Trumpet Snails)?? The long pointy ones? They are not ideal since they have very hard shells, although DPs will still suck them out. The best ones would be baby pond snails, ramshorns snails or tadpole snails.
yer i had baby pond snails

Yeah, they're shaped a bit like an ice-cream cone. I have tiny ones up to my prize snail, which I couldn't feed to anyone now, which is about an inch long and quite meaty.

Next time I buy plants i'll go looking for the ones with snails on rather than keeping away from them like I used to do. :rolleyes:

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