Pygmy Fry Help Help Help!

Still not sure! All the fry are still swimming, and going to have a proper look at the tank tomorrow in better light (ended up getting home abit late due to traffic). May go have a quick nosy now...

p.s. thanks guysxx xxx

p.s.s. Is there an easy way to count fry? Counted fry on transferance across!
Just a quick update, found about 4 dead, can only see about 5, searched invain with bright light behind but unsure as to where the other 15 and now newly hatched eggs have gone lol! (All eggs on plants now disappeared)

Also little good news, found 4 eggs in pygmy cory tank and two fry, have put these in a net in front of filter output (little like Harlequins setup), was going to transfer two fry over but thinking double chances two different places. I know that you tell cories apart from above (still havent leartn this yet) but one does look pregnant still. They are defiantely keeping me busy!
Sorry you have lost a few :rip:
They hide really well,have a lookie under the moss ball thats where my newly hatched hang out :)

I can only see around 10 in my tank at the moment,all in hiding :lol:

Congrats on finding more :good:
I gently overturned them but couldnt see any, I think I will just have to keep eye out for blatant dead ones and hope for the best (sorry for the negative attitude but don't trust my ability with these yet and convinced have only 5 currently!).

Very pleased on the new additions, thanks Harlequins!
Hopefully they're all hiding and they will appear when they're larger,surprising how they grow in the first week :)

I'm trying not to feed mine too much at the moment has my nitrite still keeps going up to nearly 0.25,its so annoying has i put mature media in the filter :angry:
And i'm doing 2 x 90% w/c a day to keep the nitrite down!!

I think the worse expecting to find dead fry every morning,but then elated that they're all still there!

You're doing a fab job :)
Thanks so much Harelquins, after hearing about your nitrite problems, thats why been doing 50% water changes twice a day, will see what Sunday brings when a week old! Added some mature media so here is hoping for best, thank you all so much for the support and guidance :*

p.s. currently feed two drops (now mixed in tank solution) three times, probably cut back to two times a day
Just a mini update. I have ohhh about 6-10 fry (kept getting a bit crossed eyed) that have survived to the weekend successfully (whispers this). Kept them in the net for now, but they have started to grow, there are two that are bigger than the ones added. The pygmies are still spawning, is this unusual to go on this long? My bigger cories bred once on one day and that was it, these I have found eggs everyday for at least a week. I have left the eggs where they are and then claimed the fry at the bottom which unusually has been really successful for me so far compared to placing eggs separately in their own tank.

Next plans are:
Moved the tanks around abit, so now have a 10g available for the pygmy adults and babies. Just need to get a stand in the week and some extra sand to set up, then can move them across. Plan to keep the fry in a larger net for now for the next week or two (or longer...depending) and then when mature enough let grow alongside the pygmies.

I saw an interesting setup on another site. The guy had filter tubes (mini) in a large piled cluster on the bottom and left the fry to it in the same tank as the adults. He found this along with plants for the eggs was really successful and that the fry joined the adults and left the small tunnels (that the adults could not enter) when they grew big enough. Has anyone tried this? Sorry for my babblings (thanks for all the help) Im finding this all really interesting and cant help myself :lol:

I have also already eyed up my next cories when a tank becomes available (schwartz!) :hey:

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