Pygmy Fry Help Help Help!

Umm lets think...

There's 15 fry at the moment varying from 4 days to nearly 2 weeks...
10 eggs due to hatch very soon...
10 eggs just saved(maybe 11) :lol:
Plus the juvi's in the main tank :)

They're still flirting whether i'll get any more eggs i dunno :lol:
Hi lilacamy931 :)

Congratulations on the new fry! :thumbs:

They will be fine in the 2 1/2 gallon tank without a filter for the first few weeks. I start them out that way myself. If you do big water changes every day it's possible to remove the uneaten food and keep the water fresh enough that way. They are not big waste producers at that age. Be sure to gently stir the sand beforehand to loosen the surface and get the uneaten food up into the water.

Is there any reason you can't take the airstone off and use that air pump to run a sponge filter?

I hope to see more pictures of your fry as they grow up. :D
HI Inchworm! Thanks very much! The air stone thing is simply because need to get a air filter (going to check one last LFS today and then may have to order online) Thanks very much to you and eveyryone for helping me out so much xx
Ok, thanks :)
No, no maidenhead aquatics here, will try phoning some more LFS within about 2 hours way :crazy:

The culture thing was it Micro-worm? If so, once you put the culture in the porridge oats, it takes atleast a week to start growing. They should atart crawling up the sides of the tub they are in, and thats what you feed the fry. :good:
The culture ended up being 3 weeks old with no movement, so washed it out over the weekend (boy did that reek) lol, thanks for that though betta_246! Best of luck finding pygmies, will keep updated as to how these grow (though very pessimestic thoughts at the mo :blink: )

Good news is the random LFS up road from work had the filter and liquifry needed so no waiting around for Ebay and postal :good: Will probably set up the 5g tonight somewhere and transfer them across once set up the filter etc. Not sure how long they have been hatched so will try little liquifry tonight

Once again thank you all for the advice, you have all been fab and really helpful and really really appreciate it
Hi lilacamy931 :)

Please take great care when using the LiquiFry. It spoils the water very easily. Once they are able to eat other food, Liquifry can do more harm than good.
Thanks very much! Will make a note of that. Have the filter and liquid, adding the liquid it came out in blobs do I need to mix to disperse in the water? Lsatly with the filter it was not clear if the top bit goes above or below or level with waterline? So sorry and thank you
I noticed with liquidfry its blobbly,i mix 2 drops in a little tank water and use a pipette to put it deep into the water :)

With my sponge filter i had it just above the water line,breaking the surface :)

Or if you put the dropper right near the water line just touching it dispersed when it hit the water :)
If im right id say, as long as *just* the sponge is sub-merged into the water its fine :good: Because thats what will actually filter the tank. The pipey bit is just to insert the airline tubing.
Ah I shall perfect my technique ;)
here are pics of the filter in place, seems to be wokring ok, i will watch this space with daily water changes

hahahaha. :lol: :hyper: OMG i was wrong, the bit i was thinking you put airline tubing in is where the clean water comes out :blush: :look:

ok, dont listen to me :lol:

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