It is an extremely difficult and stressful situation. Having to come to a decision like that is one of the worst decisions anyone could make. Some people may not understand it, but those who have had pets and who do have pets truly understand and feel the pain others are going through. I know it is hard to make like of anything like this, but to look on the bright side, you had 17 amazing years with your cat, and Amerce, with your two dogs, you both are so lucky. We lost our dog at 8months.
Amerce, I am sorry to ask, but were they put down at the same time? Or on the same day? If so, I am so sorry. It must have been truly difficult for you and your family. But I suppose that in that case, then at least neither was heartbroken over the other not being there. We had two dogs when I was younger that were brought up from pups together. One died before the other, and we think that the other died from heartbreak. It was very sad to see the one dog sitting at the door all day and night not eating, sleeping nothing waiting for his friend to come home.
goodness that must be hard to loose a pup at 8 months, and to lose both loving loyal pets on the same day must be gutting.
we lost our lovely golden retriever Tammie just over a year ago now, she was the second dog we've had put down at home, we feel it's traumatic enough to go through it, i'm not putting the dog and family in the car and going down to the vet. our remaining dog is now 11, and we saw a huge change in him straight away, he paced the floor night after night, didn't eat for a week and generally looked miserable. we talked for hours about what to do, we wanted to see how Bracken (collie x mutt) got on, see if he got used to being alone for the first time in his life, after 5 months we couldn't take it anymore, seeing him so lonely despite all the extra fuss we lavished on him, we never once left him in the house on his own, did everything we could to help him through, we threw *everything* that the pair of them had, bought him all new, gave him a bath and a new collar, a bed, toys etc, but there was still a gap in the house, and so we started looking as you do, got very clinical about it as we knew we would get one from a rescue and it's important not to get swept away by sad brown eyes, and we make a specific list of the qualities, age, size, sex etc of what we were sure we were looking for. we found a rescue that had 3-4 dogs in that ticked most of the requirements and so off we went to 'have a look'...came home with Summer (black collie x german shepherd) the same day! she was only 8 months when we got her, and the change in Bracken was instant, he's gone back to being like a pup again, they're always running about sharing toys, rolling about on the floor play fighting, and they lie side by side with a couple of bones. we still miss our lovely Tams, we'd got her from canine defence when she was 2 and a half, she was 15 when she left us

Summer was rescued from death row in Ireland, she was surrendered into the pound with her 'sister' who unfortunately died, Summer needed to be with another dog and with someone home all day, i work from home so we filled the requirements that she needed and we feel we've done some real good in adopting this gorgeous bundle of fun, i've been going to obedience classes every week since we got her, and we start agility classes on tuesday, she's got so much energy its unreal! a real shock to the system after having 2 lazy mutts.. lol