Purple Stalk On Live Rock


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2009
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i got my live rock a couple of days ago and i have noticed 2 purple stalk thing i cant get pictures small enough to post so here is a link
thanks 4 ur help
don't think the link works, or maybe my computer sucks lol. if the picture is from photobucket use the link provided by them. just click on one of your pictures, go to "share", and then click "Get link code", and copy + paste the "IMG code" here.

hope that helps! :good:
don't think the link works, or maybe my computer sucks lol. if the picture is from photobucket use the link provided by them. just click on one of your pictures, go to "share", and then click "Get link code", and copy + paste the "IMG code" here.

hope that helps! :good:
sorry it looks like the link didnt work here is the working link
Its difficult to see, but then i havent got my glasses on :crazy:

Any chance of a close-up?

Seffie x
Can't say I can see what you are referring to there, but I suspect it is some type of algae. Is it fairly new live rock? It looks quite bleached, i.e. life has not had much time to properly build up on it yet. Usually at this stage is is the macro algae that take prime location and are the most obvious things to spot.

If you are certain it isn't algae, then I would guess maybe some kind of tunicate?

Can't say I can see what you are referring to there, but I suspect it is some type of algae. Is it fairly new live rock? It looks quite bleached, i.e. life has not had much time to properly build up on it yet. Usually at this stage is is the macro algae that take prime location and are the most obvious things to spot.

If you are certain it isn't algae, then I would guess maybe some kind of tunicate?


thanks for your help it could be alge i havent got a clue this is my first saltwater tank i got 5kgs live rock from reefstore ( its only the standard base rock) and a bit from my lfs (fiji A grade)

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