Puppy Needs A Name Please Help :)


Main Entry: beau
Pronunciation: \ˈbō\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural beaux \ˈbōz\ or beaus
Etymology: French, from beau beautiful, from Latin bellus pretty

I had a lovely dobermann with this name - think it would suit your boy :good:

Seffie x


That's my new puppy's name(my avatar) :p

I think Zeus would be a good name. Looks like he'll be a big dog and Zeus is kind of a power name :good: I also liked Cain.
Duke :good: good name to shout when you need him to heal, not a tough twister and a little on the butch side for a lovely looking dog. I gotta admit that cross makes a nice looking dog :nod: , I just hope the father was the doberman coz if not then the poor thing must have had a hell of a time breeding with a female doberman :lol:
thanks for all your replies will keep u posted of pictures of bazil as he grows up, well thats if i ont strangle him first he eat my wardrobe door last night :( bad doggy !!!!!

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