puffers.. tryin to get somewhere?


New Member
May 18, 2004
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is it normal behaviour for puffers to swim up and down nosing the side of the tank for long periods of time...? do they think they are going somewhere?
if its not normal does anyone know why they might be doing it? the water in my tank is perfectly ok and there bellies are always as white as can be so they are not stressed (thought they do have a thin grey line from thier eyes to thier beaks).
there is plenty of fake plant life in there and yes they are living in brackish conditions so what could be the prob? (if there is one that is).
Not to worry, this is pretty standard puffer behavior....try adding a stronger current to the tank and you'll probably find them playing in the current more than against the glass.
yay cheers mate :D i was worried for the little fellas :p
Wait till they see you and start vibrating against the glass....I swear mine are trying to saw through the glass with their teeth to get at the food quicker :lol: :lol:
Yeah! I once saw someone on the internet saying that their puffers stop eating when they're full :hyper: and I was like :huh: . My puffers just eat everything and anything! :D :p

Oh yeah, and I'm guessing, ollgeeze, that you have GSPs :wub: . If so, then a line is perfectly normal :thumbs: . Both mine have them. I think they are just like standard spots or someat... :huh:
Yep, Our Dwarfs do that against the tank corner and also swim into the current, our Dragons do that when they're stressed after a water change or substrate vac, and our Fahaka does that when she's demanding food (i.e. whenever we're in the room)
LittlePuff said:

Errr...excuse me, how do you know that they are DPs? :huh: They might be GSPs :wub: or Fig8s or something :nod: . They may not be DPs :no: . And if you're right then :X to me for making this thread.
Yup, my colomesus does this too quite often - when he's not playing in the current or riding the bubbles on the bubble curtain that is :wub:

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