Puffer Species

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I'd be very surprised if your puffers could damage the pleco too much. I keep a couple with my SA's and great thing is the pleco will not interfere with anything else as long as they leave it alone, but if the puffers get too close it'll actually chase them across the tank before resuming munching.... Saying that I did see one cheeky puffer they other day steal a load of bloodworm that the pleco was actually eating... :blink:
Puffers are half salt water, half fresh water? That's what I was told. They're -so- adorable.
Some are brackish (fig 8, Green spotted), some are full saltwater, and some are freshwater (dwarfs, South American)
:/ I keep my figure 8 in a FRESHWATER 30 gallon. And I emphysize FRESHWATER. I know a couple of people who really know what they're talking about and they keep all theirs in a freshwater tank. I hear that they can go in both. Whatever...
I keep my figure 8 in a FRESHWATER 30 gallon. And I emphysize FRESHWATER. I know a couple of people who really know what they're talking about and they keep all theirs in a freshwater tank. I hear that they can go in both.

Yes there are many people who swear that the Fig 8's can be kept in FW, and I agree that they can in fact be kept in FW, but should they? IMO NO! Same as a Great Dane can be kept in a 1 bedroom apartment, it can be done but isn't advisable. Just because something CAN be done doesn't make it the best conditions to raise healthy pets.
Figure 8 puffers are known to migrate between fresh and brackish waters in their natural enviroment, keeping more to FW as juveniles and gravitating towards the seaward end of the rivers as they marure, to live out the bulk of their lives in brackish waters.
I have spoken to longtime puffer keepers (one gentleman who has kept various puffers for 40+ years) and they have reported having more than one Figure 8 (as well as GSP's) live for 15 or more years when housed in BW. I have yet to hear from anyone who has had a Fig 8 live more than 5 years in FW.
Well, sure, I agree with you, but my puffer is rather large and has lived with me for about a month or so. Judgeing by his size, I'd say he is at least a couple years old. I'll see in a few years how he's doing. :p
Just keep in mind that with their expected lifespan, a year or 2 for a puffer is not a long time, if you notice that your puffer seems to get sick quite a bit it will probably be an indication that it's immune system can no longer handle living in FW. If or when this happens then it is probably too late to acclimate the puffer to BW to live out it's expected full lifespan, as the damage will have already been done.
Fish00 said:
Does anyone live in the wiltshire area & know where to find ANY fresh water puffer fish.
The page in the link bellow may be usseful to ammericans:
I've never bought fish mailorder before, but http://www.trimar.co.uk have both South American Puffer's and Dwarf Puffer's (they even have Giant Puffers if you feel like getting a 5" tank ;)). HTH.
Brunnen-G said:
Fish00 said:
Does anyone live in the wiltshire area & know where to find ANY fresh water puffer fish.
The page in the link bellow may be usseful to ammericans:
I've never bought fish mailorder before, but http://www.trimar.co.uk have both South American Puffer's and Dwarf Puffer's (they even have Giant Puffers if you feel like getting a 5" tank ;)). HTH.
Thank you, Thank you.
Not safely. A single South American would work in a 20, but you run the risk of tattered fins on any tankmates. The dwarf puffers are ideally sized, but they can be merciless fin nippers--much sneakier about it than any other puffer I've ever seen. Not worth the risk, IMO. Sorry.

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