Puffer Species

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Cheers for all the info Pufferpack, will probably get a couple of ancistrus for the tank, got a small one in my 10 gal tank and I've never seen it so clean, just doesn't stop eating... mind you its damn hard to find sometimes, an absolute master at hiding... even when its right out in the open 8)

Current update, tank is filled and has about 2-3" of sand in the bottom and a few rocks. I've just put a heater in there and an old filter with some seeded sponges to get the tank going (added some ammonia too). With any luck my ehiem will arrive on Sunday so another few days and I'll try and get trumpet snails and start on the plants. I'll leave it another week and hopefully I'll be able to get my puffers :p YAY :-

Only thing I've gotta work out now is that their won't be any algae in the tank when I get the snails so not sure what to do to feed them???

Will probably go with 4 SA Puffers and 2 dwarfs, 2 ancistrus and maybe a couple of ottos. Still toying with idea of getting something colourful like guppies but may just transfer my white mountain minnows... then again may just keep it puffers with the bottom feeders as well... :p

But first gotta decide what plants to get. I'll post some pics soon and show you how its coming along, never thought that getting the tank set up would be so much fun :D
I read on every website with information about Colomesus asellus and they said it grows, 5'' or 6''. is 3 inchs what is would grow in a aquarium and 6 what is grows in the wild?
If I kept shell dwelers with a puffer wouldn't the puffer eat them? would it be possable to keep some otos or cories with a south american puffer?
Yup, 6" is the size in the wild. In the aquarium they usually max out at about 3". I think the South Americans would probably try to chew on the shell dwellers home more than the fish itself :lol: :lol: . They are a relatively peaceful puffer, but they are still puffers and have the potential to be nasty, but most of the asellas are mellow.
Personally I haven't had any luck keeping cory's with puffers, I think they twitch around and attract the puffers attention a little too much. The Ottos make good tankmates :thumbs:

Only thing I've gotta work out now is that their won't be any algae in the tank when I get the snails so not sure what to do to feed them???

I believe the Trumpet snails eat the mulm that builds up in the tank rather than algae. IMO they will have enough to eat with the leftover bloodworm and shrimp that the puffers and bottom feeders miss until the mulm builds up.
Sounds like a lovely setup, can't wait to see some pics :nod: :D
Definately agree on getting this thread pinned, its been a big help for me and covered so many areas.

Thanks Pufferpack
Just thought I'd give you a quick update, got an old seeded filter running in there at the moment just until I can get the Eheim, should start the cycling and speed things up when I install the other one (Sunday). Been adding 1ml of 35% ammonia to the tank for 2 days and already ammonia is negligable and the nitrites are just over 5ppm, so its getting there. Going to get some more "scenery" for the tank and have some snails arriving soon, apparently I can feed them on catfish pellets for the moment.

Going to order the plants next week (payday Wednesday YAY).
Hi Frank.

You might get away with trying Kuhli Loaches as they are non-aggressive and wouldn't bother the puffers, but IMO they would be a tempting target for the puffers as they twitch and squirm alot and might be seen as food. If you have a spare tank to relocate the Kuhlis to in the event they get harrassed it might be worth a try.

Hi Fishy Jon

About the only puffer that would stand a chance of working with the fish you have now would be Colomesus asellus. Even with C. asellus I think the Gourami and possibly the Corey may get nipped up (I know the Dwarfs like to chew both of them), and if the tetra is nippy towards the puffer there could be real trouble. I wouldn't recomend trying a puffer with your present community. :/

...p.s. The goldfish really should be put into a colder tank rather than being kept with the tropicals. :huh:
i live in southern california and i have never seen a South American Puffer in a LFS before.....the only puffers i have seen are dwarfs, spotted and figure 8.
i have bamboo shrimps and amano (jap. marsh) shrimps in my 20 gallon tank......will they be compatible with dwarfs?
Hi wuwu...Lithril is correct, live shrimp are one of the puffers favorite foods.

Hi Lithril Pygmy Puffer is another name for Dwarf Puffers (also labled as "Pea Puffers"), they are mischevious and territorial, hard to find tankmates for them, but it is possible if you are lucky.

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