Fish Fanatic
I won't listen to them again then
Well I'm planning on cloning it (think thats what you call what I'm doing)...I'm going to use the filter and maybe some substrate from my mature tank, as I feel my communtiy tank could do with a bigger filter. I'm going to run both filters in there for a few weeks for the new one to "mature" and then I'm going to move the old one into the new tank (this is what was advised), with maybe 3/4 ottos, making sure to keep an eye on both tanks for any mini cycles. Only when I feel the tank has completely matured will I get any puffers, so I'm thinking it will be at least 2 months from now, but however long it takes really. I'm in no rush and want to make sure I do everything properly
That is the plan upto now anyway, but I'm still researching.

Well I'm planning on cloning it (think thats what you call what I'm doing)...I'm going to use the filter and maybe some substrate from my mature tank, as I feel my communtiy tank could do with a bigger filter. I'm going to run both filters in there for a few weeks for the new one to "mature" and then I'm going to move the old one into the new tank (this is what was advised), with maybe 3/4 ottos, making sure to keep an eye on both tanks for any mini cycles. Only when I feel the tank has completely matured will I get any puffers, so I'm thinking it will be at least 2 months from now, but however long it takes really. I'm in no rush and want to make sure I do everything properly

That is the plan upto now anyway, but I'm still researching.