Puffer identification


Fish Addict
Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
Suffolk, UK
We just purchased a new puffer from the lfs. He was sold to us as a "brackish puffer", yet we initially identified him as a Common puffer (T. cuctcutia). Now we're not so sure.

When we saw him in the tank, he was very dark and almost black in places. Now he is at home with use, he has changed colour right before our eyes and become beautifully green and spotty.

The spot behind his pectoral fins gives me the impression he is a target puffer of some kind, but we are not certain. Here are the species we suspect he may be one of:

T. cutcutia (Common or Avocado)
T. schoutedeni (Leopard)
T. turgidus (Brown)
T. cochinchinensis (Fang's)

Any opinion/thoughts/ideas greatly appreciated!





Sorry I can't help you with the identification, but I wanted to tell you that it's a very beautiful puffer you've got (and some very good pictures you've taken!). Whatever tank you've put him in, he seems like he likes that water type and has brightened up considerably. Congratulations! Enjoy your new puffer.
Hmmm. That allmost looks like a Mbu Puffer. But, I'd have to say it is a Target Puffer, it has the lines of a target.
Looks like a young sea frog, Tetraodon cutcutia, sometimes also known as the ocellated puffer because of the eye spot on the flank toward the fishes tail.
Looks close to cutcutia, but the nostrals are different. I would say that you have a young Tetraodon turgidus - Brown Puffer.

Check "http://www.tekipaki.jp/~puffer/p/index.htm" and see if you can get a better idea from the photos.
Thank you all for your replies. It seems that it may still be a while before a positive identification is made - you all seem to have different opinions, lol.

To Fish-Noobie:

The thought of him being a green spotted did cross my mind, but I quickly dismissed this idea as he has the wrong body shape and his patterning is more varied.

To TorPeteO

Thank you for the nice comments. He certainly seems happier than when he was in the shop. They were keeping him in a light brackish setup and we have introduced him to an almost-FW tank. His colours change amazingly fast from dark brown to a pale beige depending on his mood - he goes dark when hunting/stressed and light when resting/relaxing.

To StingrayKid

That thought also crossed my mind. However, once again, his markings are not quite right. Hopefully he doesn't get to two feet either! :D

To CFC & Pufferpack

The two species you have mentioned are the ones I am heading towards the most. I keep switching back and forth between them. Interesting observation about the nostrils - I will have to look closer at that. I have been to that japanese site before and it is very informative, I will indeed have another look.

Once again, thank you to all who have replied! Anyone else who wishes to comment is also very welcome.
Most definetely NOT the GSP aka Tetradon Nigroviritis (sp?)

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