Ps3, Nintendo Wii Or Xbox 360

Nintendo Wii all the way for me. I agree whole-heartedly with points already made about playstations sucking big time and the 360 being too alike to the xbox to be classed as a true "next gen" console.

As for Nintendo being too kiddy, that's just utter tripe and anyone who owns a gamecube knows that. There are plenty of titles for the cube which aren't kiddy games:

Eternal Darkness was plenty innovative upon it's release and not something you would let your average kid play.

The Metroid series has taken a considerable leap from it's roots to create a gaming experience unlike most FPS out there and looks damn good too.

Resident Evil 4 which "was" excluse for the cube is a brilliant show of what a Nintendo console is capable of when in the correct hands and comes with a good smattering of gore to boot. Even though it is no longer cube exclusive, the cube version is by far the best looking and has shorter load times.

Then there are titles like Resident Evil 0, Killer 7 (extremely original and plenty of blood there too), Geist (another game with a different approach to FPS), Hitman 2, Second Sight, the Prince of Persia series (granted, the first was very cartoony, but the same can't be said for the second two) and plenty of others.

They are just a handful off the top of my head and I am sure there are plenty more people could think of which are either revolutionary in their ideas and/or execution or aren't kiddy titles. Fair enough, some are ports and a couple are cross-platform (or ex-exclusives - insert obligatory capcom whine here :lol: ) but that wasn't the issue, they are on the system regardless.

I will give you one thing though, the amount of games out there aren't at the volume as the other two big names in the market. But as they say, quality is much more preferable to quantity and with Nintendo, quality has always been their main gameplan and is unlikely to change any time soon.
hey now, i loved the first prince of persia--the running commentary was priceless. :p

i don't think that we are really positioned yet to judge the effectiveness of the wii controller because its still not released and gameplay reviews are not of finished projects. the idea itself is fantastic and since people have always been nudging their controllers, it makes absolute sense to incorporate a motion sensor. i'm concerned about battery life, but since everyone's going wireless anyways that's not really a distinguishing concern.

other reasons that i'm excited about the wii is that we've got a gamecube and a lot of games that i really enjoy already. since the wii is backwards compatible, that's a big incentive for me to go with another nintendo system. i'm not really much of a solitary gamer anyways, so i doubt that i would get $300-$600 worth of use out of a console. add in the fact that most (althoguh not all) of the fun party games are nintendo already, and the choice seems fairly obvious to me.

does anyone have anything to say about how the xbox360 and ps3 compare in terms of graphics? i know that my bf desperately wanted a ps3 because of the in-game screens they had been showing, but i've not heard anything other than laments and the gnashing of teeth since they released the price.
Xbox 360.... and I have one too.. quite happy with it. Not a fan of 'sony games' (Japanese RPGs and the like) not the mention the good games sony has either microsoft seems to buy, or out does them.

Besides...that halo 3 trailer... :drool:
Lol how about none of the above?

Iv got an X-box and game cube that i refer to on occasion as the "lame cube". Both are cool and all, but i dont feel like throwing out 500 bux every 4 years for the brand new must have console, especially when i can play most of the same games on my computer at the same quality, if not better. And i can always order new parts for my comp and wallah, it kicks ass just as good as ever, cant argue with upgradable technology.

But i must amit, iv seen some of the stuff they have at E3, and im quite impressed, particularly with the PS3 (except that guitar hero game... :huh: ), and Nintendo lags behind once again, seems to be the trend at every E3 for the last 7 years, thogh i commend them on their inovative controller.

Im going to be attending college for game art and design, so iv been following the industry very closely this year. In my opinion its time for Halo to finish up, dont get me wrong its an awsome game, im a big fan, but how much farther can u really take the damn thing? Im ready for somthing original, just seems like alot of the same old junk in a new wrapper. :/
Not to belittle PC gaming in any way, but PC's are worse offenders than consoles when it comes to dealing out cash. They need upgrading alot more than every 4 years to stay cutting edge and cost alot more than a new console to do so for the average person. Just a graphics card alone can cost in excess of 900 bucks in a shop (for a decent one).

Fair enough, those of us who are in the know would never buy parts in a shop, prefering to go through a swap meet, ebay, etc, but for the majority of people out there who aren't familiar with the inside of their PC a shop is the only place to go pretty much. At least with a console it's a once off purchase and every game made for it is guarenteed to work rather than spit the dummy because the processor isn't fast enough, there's not enough memory, the graphics card isn't up to date enough, etc, etc, etc.

Running commentary? On the first Prince of Persia? All I remember is a VGA (or was it even CGA?) graphics game released on the PC about 15 years ago.

First console version :lol:

And yes, I do feel as old as you probably do from having fond memories of the original puter version :rofl:
i don't think that we are really positioned yet to judge the effectiveness of the wii controller because its still not released and gameplay reviews are not of finished projects. the idea itself is fantastic and since people have always been nudging their controllers, it makes absolute sense to incorporate a motion sensor. i'm concerned about battery life, but since everyone's going wireless anyways that's not really a distinguishing concern.

I'll bet that people would judge harder if they were to do a Sony and release the same controller the last system had :lol:

Personally I think that the only (released - yet to see with the Wii) controller Nintendo has ever dropped the ball with was on the N64 and this had nothing to do with the overall design, just the damn shoddy thumbpads on them which tended to wear out faster than a one legged man in an ass kicking competition.

As for batteries pica, get a charger and some nimh rechargables, they work great :thumbs:
Fair enough, those of us who are in the know would never buy parts in a shop, prefering to go through a swap meet, ebay, etc, but for the majority of people out there who aren't familiar with the inside of their PC a shop is the only place to go pretty much. At least with a console it's a once off purchase and every game made for it is guarenteed to work rather than spit the dummy because the processor isn't fast enough, there's not enough memory, the graphics card isn't up to date enough, etc, etc, etc.

This is true, so people who have never seen the inside of their computer before should probably just buy a console. And indeed at some point upgradeing the comp becomes so expensive that its not worth bothering with, but atleast they have the ability to upgrade at all.

Another thing is that once consoles become old tech, no one makes games for them any more, with computers there is a much longer period of time that goes by before new games will no longer function properly on it.

dont feel like throwing out 500 bux every 4 years for the brand new must have console
wii isn't that much

Have they even thrown a price up on the wii yet? I can barly find any information about it anywhwere at all. -_-
it isn't going to be hideously expensive.

MAXIMUM price quoted was $150-200

nintendo consoles are always cheap
yeah look at ds vs psp ds much cheaper (and better imo nintedos stregth lives in hand held gaming)
Having worked in a game store for a couple of years, and owned every major console except a Playstation 1 since the SNES (including handhelds) I feel I am fairly qualified to make a worthy comment....... ;)

The PS3, dispite being over-priced will sell in England, although most of its sales will start to really come through in it's second year, when the console is always aimed at being 2 thirds of its original price or less. The Playstation 2 fan-base, which is the biggest console market in England will give Sony an instant customer base.

Even if it doesnt actually turn out to be any good, people will still buy it because of Sony's "sheep" fanbase. The PS2 was a pile of crap and didnt even have a hardware graphics card, relying on one main processor to do all the hard work, and very little memory to back it up. This is why textures, loading and gameplay was so much better on the Xbox.

However, although the Xbox was an ugly brute it was based on an already proven solid platform (a retro-fitted pc) and so was able to pull off much better gaming if you gave it a chance. Despite the PS2 having a lot more games, you would usually find that there were 10 crap PS2 games released for every good one, and Xbox games maintained a much higher standard.

As for the Gamecube well it succeeded in short glorious bursts with the Star Wars Rogue Squadron games, Resident Evil series, particularly 4 and some of the Nintendo studio classics. Unfortunately it didn't quite appeal to people because of its slightly childish looks and repuation, and the fack that it was a pure games machine, not a multimedia machine like the PS2 and Xbox.

On to the New-Gen and the Xbox 360 is doing quite well despite scepticism and although the release schedule is proving to be a little slow. If appreciated in High Definition with 5.1 surround the 360 can really show itself off. Some of the up-coming games look fantastic, and the Xbox Live aspect has already proven to be a massive hit. I can really see Microsoft proving itself properly in the games market during the life of this console.

The Wii will get a mixed reception much as the Gamecube, although Nintendo have done the right thing by including DVD play back and other extra options such as online play and retro-games downloads etc. The let down will unfortunately be the graphics where they fall short of the PS3 and Xbox, however what the Wii lacks in graphics it will hopefully make up with gameplay via the completely absurd controller. I'm not sold on the idea yet but I have seen Nintendo do stupider things and pull it off.

As i said the PS3 will undoubtably sell however I am still not convinced with it starting off so pricey and having less original software support as the XB360 has taken some of the exclusive deals Sony previously had in their stride, particularly Grand Theft Auto, the next edition of which will apear on both consoles simultaneously, whilst previously Sony have always had 2 months or more exclusive release of Grand Theft Auto titles.

It will surely be an interesting battle of the new generation, and I will probably get suckered into buying either the PS3 or Wii as well as the XB360 i currently own -_-

Running commentary? On the first Prince of Persia? All I remember is a VGA (or was it even CGA?) graphics game released on the PC about 15 years ago.

har-dee-har-har :p i meant the first one of the recent releases (so i suppose i really meant the second one total)
Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time?

The voice over was a bit dodgy but otherwise a superb game. Well worth a play if you havent done so yet.


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