Ps3, Nintendo Wii Or Xbox 360

yeah, that one. really? dodgy? i thought it was rather refreshing to hear a hero who was a bit namby-pamby when it came to women. :lol: sorry for the digression :p

i'm just itching for SoulCaliber to come out on the Wii. :drool:

its my theory that they made the PS3 so durn expensive in order to maintain the market value of the PS2
I was just watching X-Play (its on the G4 channel, great show) and they previewed the new Zelda for the Wii!

That bugs me, because i still play Zelda: Ocarina of Time on my N64.......I'm going to have to buy the Wii now lol.

I still want Xbox 360 though :/
PS3, it looks to be a beast, and has some games I already want, brother in arms hells highway, and mercenaries 2, both look to be awesome.
Mercenaries was a pile of wank and I expect the 2nd to be very similar.

Brothers In Arms: Hells Highway is going to be multi-format, and personally I'd rather play it on my cheaper, better 360 :p

this isnt a competition anymore guys!

sony arent in it to fight MS. the PS3 took to long to develop with sony making too many promises they couldnt keep.

its worked out ok for everyone tho.

everyone bought the 360, everyone will buy the PS3 and ninty will have there usual number of hardcore fans.

geez i havent talked about games in ages. i used to be on the official xbox live forums with the highest postcount in the UK (most free time lol), spoke to alot of MS's people too so i got the inside scoop.
M$ will just try and spend their way to victory, like by slashing the console life to 4 years (and probably shorter in years to come) but not over inflating prices with a fairly useless technology (a la PS3).

After all, how many of the original CD-ROM consoles were a hit? The Famicom CD? the Mega-CD? The Amiga CD32? None, as there was no real need for those CDs as the cartridges could handle most of the data being used for the games and the games available did not justify the extra prices.

I think we will see the same with Sony on the PS3. They have the super high capacity disc drive, but will there be any need for it? You can't even get many (if any) movies on that format yet, and there is still the Betamax/VHS revisited thing going on all over again - a fight Sony did bad in last time, as memory recalls.
wasnt there a big battle going on with blu ray vs HD DVD?

what happened with that?

it would of been real interesting to see if both consoles had launched consecutively which came out on top.

sony had a huuuuge fan base before xbox 1 even came out so MS had a fair battle on there hands but i think they did/are doing well.

specially towards the end of the xbox's life. xbox live was huge, it didnt and doesnt have the numbers that PS2 has but it worked 100 x better and there was nothing sony could do cos they hadnt even thought about online play.

according to them it wouldnt take off. :rolleyes:

like i sed tho, the delays the PS3 has faced will pay off for them im sure because everyones saved up again and ready for something new.

last time i read anything MS were readying halo 3 to throw the ps3 launch off a bit but i think itll take more than that!
With Halo 3, being launched to release on the same day as the PS3's supposed release date, I know that I will be running out to get Halo 3 then locking my self in my dorm room for 2 days with nothing but my trusty 360 and a case of BAWLS. Playstation in my opinion has lost any advantage they might have had by delaying the PS3 so long, If they could have released the PS3 before the 360 then they might have had a chance but I have a fealing the the PS3 will go the way of the GC. Now Sony might be able to suprise people and I hope for the sake of competioton in the console market do. But the only way I could see this working is by using a classic mircosoft solutin and loss some money on the console to bring the price down abit. Unfortunatly Sony does not have the ability to absorbe such a loss in my opionon. On to the next thing, mainly the contorers on the new generation of consoles. As far as I have seen, only the 360 has a solid controller, MS took a good controller and made it better, if somewhat more expensive. Nintendo i applaud for being inovative and hope that it turns out to work well, unfortunatly Nintendo does not have a good track record with controllers, on the 64 you needed 3 hands, and to compensate on the GC you need redicously small hands. Sony, well I just dont know what Sony Is planning with this one, Sony had a sold controller with the PS2, which they completly did away with, and now it looks like a boomerang. Humm I wonder if i throw one will it come back??? One to online gameplay, In this area MS will always lead, simply because of the large knowledge base to pool from and the fact that they had a superb existing network set up. Nintendo again is getting inovative and if it works will be a huge advantage, depending on the monthly subscription fee. Sony on the other hand, is where I belive we will see our biggest let down, they have not realsed much on there online game play, this can be viewed from two different angles, the first being that they have nothing, just the original ps2 online with the 2 crossed out and a 3 added, or on the other hand they may have a great online setup ready to go and they are just hidding it as a suprise. However with Sony's track record with the PS3 of advertising features it has, doesnt have and dont work i doubt it very unlikely that this is the case. In the name department, the nintendo revolution had the coolest one, with x box 360 being second and ps3 being last, come one how uncreative is PS3, but with nintendos change from revoltuion to wii all i can do is shake my head. As I see it, the XBox 360 will remain in the lead as more and more people use them on the high def tv's they were intended for, the Wii will come in second while the PS3, like the PS2 will be a disapointment
With Halo 3, being launched to release on the same day as the PS3's supposed release date, I know that I will be running out to get Halo 3 then locking my self in my dorm room for 2 days with nothing but my trusty 360 and a case of BAWLS. Playstation in my opinion has lost any advantage they might have had by delaying the PS3 so long, If they could have released the PS3 before the 360 then they might have had a chance but I have a fealing the the PS3 will go the way of the GC. Now Sony might be able to suprise people and I hope for the sake of competioton in the console market do. But the only way I could see this working is by using a classic mircosoft solutin and loss some money on the console to bring the price down abit. Unfortunatly Sony does not have the ability to absorbe such a loss in my opionon. On to the next thing, mainly the contorers on the new generation of consoles. As far as I have seen, only the 360 has a solid controller, MS took a good controller and made it better, if somewhat more expensive. Nintendo i applaud for being inovative and hope that it turns out to work well, unfortunatly Nintendo does not have a good track record with controllers, on the 64 you needed 3 hands, and to compensate on the GC you need redicously small hands. Sony, well I just dont know what Sony Is planning with this one, Sony had a sold controller with the PS2, which they completly did away with, and now it looks like a boomerang. Humm I wonder if i throw one will it come back??? One to online gameplay, In this area MS will always lead, simply because of the large knowledge base to pool from and the fact that they had a superb existing network set up. Nintendo again is getting inovative and if it works will be a huge advantage, depending on the monthly subscription fee. Sony on the other hand, is where I belive we will see our biggest let down, they have not realsed much on there online game play, this can be viewed from two different angles, the first being that they have nothing, just the original ps2 online with the 2 crossed out and a 3 added, or on the other hand they may have a great online setup ready to go and they are just hidding it as a suprise. However with Sony's track record with the PS3 of advertising features it has, doesnt have and dont work i doubt it very unlikely that this is the case. In the name department, the nintendo revolution had the coolest one, with x box 360 being second and ps3 being last, come one how uncreative is PS3, but with nintendos change from revoltuion to wii all i can do is shake my head. As I see it, the XBox 360 will remain in the lead as more and more people use them on the high def tv's they were intended for, the Wii will come in second while the PS3, like the PS2 will be a disapointment

theres no way the PS3 wil go the same way the GC went. no way.

the PS3 mite not make the same sales here as the PS2 but the asians walk talk and breath sony and theres quite a few of them. They will all buy it for starters.

then theres mums and dads buyin birthday and xmas presents. xbox is big but theyve heard more about sony and the playstation so they go for that. i kno that for fact as i used to work for currys (electrical retailer)

and finally, sonys has a huuuuuuuge fan base. they will have lost quite a big number but not big enough to kill the console.

as for it bein a bad move delaying it.

i havent seen any figures but i bet the PS2 is still makin some serious buck cos not everyone can afford the £300 you need to be on your way and gaming with a 360.

by delaying it alls they have done is made is so people WILL buy it. even the ones who bought 360 will probably buy it.

wish i knew more now but last time i checked sony were claiming to have an online service all in one like live.

i guess we jus hav to see if they can actually deliver.
All sony has done is copy and explot the inovations made by other console and computer developers and try and push their own propitary technology. Im sorry but me and many people i know have lost all faith in sony. I almost hope that the ps3 is a flop because I belive it is what sony deserves. Another thing most people that own a PS2 will never admit the weakness of there systems, they are the people that are going to buy a PS3
the whole of the UK could lose faith in sony and not buy the PS3 and they would still sell huge numbers.

im not stickin up for sony (well not tryin to). i was MS and xbox all the way but we forget something here in the UK.

were only really really small.

its like when games and consoles or any new stuff would come out in the states and asia first everyone would complain about it.

they dont realise that sales in the UK are nothing compared to what can be achieved over there so of course there not gonna release here first.
Im from the states and the general fealing that I am getting from most gamers, at least on the east coast is X-box all the way, there have been to many let downs with sony, they tend to get everyone all hyped up only to not deliver what they said they would. Not to mention that I have gone into many game stores that are preselling PS3's and they say that the number of preorders they have for PS3 at this time is alot less then the number they had for the 360 this long before its release. Only time will tell, however i own a 360 and will buy a revolution... i mean wii but i will never touch a sony console again
tbh sony still havent used the ps2 to its ful potential the clips produced before the ps2 was releast were unreal but now even the most modern games dont touch that height of graphical greatness just as i suspect the ps3 might not touch the standard set for the ps2 :/

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