Proud Newbie In Need Of Advice!

well you could always have an assasin snail to do that, more fun
Love my assassin snails. Not a pond snail to be seen since I added them, except in my fry tank where there are no assassins. d
Your tank is lovely, by the way. Very nicely laid out! Welcome!
your tank is to small for the peacock cichlids, but the dwarfs would work if you keep them in a pair with plenty of cover(they probably won't breed). Another thing to look at would be ram cichlids, although they will eat shrimp, any fish big enough to eat the shrimp will eat the shrimp. so if your dead set on shrimp then stick with tiny fish. even my black skirt tetras eat smaller ghost shrimp lol its not aggression its just fish nature, shrimp are food to fish.
biggerfish - lol sounds like just about any fish will eat the shrimps! Guess shrimps are food to everything! 

Also thanks for that advice regarding peacock cichlids, certainly do not want to stress any fish if too big for my tank. So I will will check out the other 2 types, Dwarfs and Rams that you mentioned. Would be a shame not to have any cichlids as I do think they are really nice looking fish.
Having said that I may stick to smaller fish since I do want to add shrimps to my tank, don't really know why, just want them!! Or just buy a small 10g tank just for shrimps lol 

ncguppy830 and thisoldspouse - seems there are a lot of fans for Assassin Snails, I must admit I do like the look of them with their distinctive looks. Wait and see if decide to have them as still umming and ahhing about snails lol 

And thanks for the comment about my tank setup. Just found out that actually 3 of these plants are non-aquatic!! lfs said they will be fine in fish tank but now realise they will eventually rot and upset balance of fishless cycle. 
 Will take them out and replace with probably more corkscrew vallis and moss balls 
yeah thats the thing about LFS is that a lot of the time they just look at profits and not the care of fish. was once at a LFS and the lady was trying to sell a convict pair to a girl along with 10 neons for a 10 gallon tank, needless to say I did not let that happen lol
Blimey! Even I, a complete newbie, know that is not good advice to try and sell a pair of convict with 10 tetras for 10g tank!

Gotta do research first before relying on ifs advice!

Good on you not letting that happen 
Shaddex - Don't worry, I am a fan of Cories as well as Plecos. So am not discounting these just yet.
I think need an established tank first before introducing any fish like these. So maybe a little plan is forming.......

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