Protoreaster Nodosus

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Musho, if you'd like a hand in your detective work, the mystery poster was birthed in This Thread. I was lucky enough to see the original post and it was much along the lines of what was said in this thread...mostly just a lot of anger towards SH. Like I said before, I appreciate the input from everyone, especially SH (being quite knowledgable, experienced, and a moderator here) otherwise I wouldnt post here...or anywhere for that matter.

Main Entry:
Latin; akin to Latin foris outside, fores door — more at door

a: A public meeting or lecture involving audience discussion b: A program involving discussion of a problem usually by several authorities.
lol be a man or at least human and say it to him in your regular account.

Whats with all the sarcastic remarks? I believe someone (not mentioning any names) told someone else in another thread to stop with the stupid sarcastic remarks. But they are doing it here. Jeez, its SH's opinion, lay off, he is just as educated and "honorable" to say something on a thread i think. I guess thats why hes the mod and you guys arent.
...just who do you think this is?

I see I am the most likely candidate, being the disagreer, and the person that told someone to stop the sarcastic remarks. But, I can assure everyone I am not behind this, but nor do I entirely disagree with the remarks. If you have doubts SH could look up the IP adresses, and if that fails (I regularly use two different computers, three in the last 48 hours, one at home, school, and a friends house) then I suppose you will have to trust me.

Finally, all the mods are knowledgeable (well, most of them at least) including SH. But, being a mod is based on a combination of availability, maturity, and knowledge, as far as I can gather. There are many users that exceed all three (such as nmonks), and around the time Nav began to become busy with real-life matters is when SH was promoted because he was, and probably still is, most fit for the job. THe fact that we are not mods is no grounds to value our opinion less than SH's, and frankly Musho that post was hardly called for.

Chris, this wasn't really a flame war... just a bit of discussion. Growing out of hand I know, but bear with us.

no comment on my second statement, but i am sure you are mature enough not to use a different account just to insult. I dont know whos second account it is, or if it even is a second account, maybe just a lurker, but i am 99.9% sure its not you. Probably a much more immature member of this forum, which chris so graciously reminded me what it was.

Chris, im jumping to conclusions, its what humans do with the lack of evidence, first, the name seems quickly typed up, not thought about or what someone would regularly use around the internet. Second, validating, that means is probably not a lurker, only been here for 7 days, joined the 11th, which means, this person probably knew SH somehow before this thread was created, third the birth of this account was made during its first post, which was, according to the reason why it was edited, a rant. Its kinda hard to believe someone who just came to becoming a member has a first post which was a rant, probably a rant of another member seeing that that thread had a debate.

Enough evidence to create a strong conclusion? No, some of it are my guesses, he doesnt have to have an account to be a lurker, maybe he wasnt ranting about another member. Im not saying i must be correct, ban this worthless member. I could be wrong, it is up to SH to check through IP address.

Now, give me some evidence that can disprove me and i will edit out my post, and have a written apology in this thread (if it stays unlocked) when i get some.
The post that was edited to say "rant over" or whatever, originally said something about SH btw. The account was obviously created for the sole purpose of flaming SH. I'm sure whoever created it is a member.
Hi all...thanks to anyone who posted support. As you all know, keeping a nano tank is an art and keeping it safe is based on 'established' marine aquarism principles. Giving advice here is not 'patronizing' is exactly advice. Not only that, dissenting is a wonderful speech.

Insulting people is immature and I'm sure you can all see how the above 'flamer' looks.....I have no interest in making comments about him or her...that is a total waste of time.

I will continue to post advice here.....and members are free to accept it or reject it....just as I was able to do pre-mod. My posts are aimed at keeping people from nuking their tanks and helping them to enjoy the beauty of a nano reef. Otherwise, I would not have worked with William, admin, to start this forum.

Don't worry takes a lot more than the person's posts above to rattle me. BTW....I do have the I.P. address. I can tell you that it originated from AOL but wont' disclose any other info. I will close this post but request that Chris starts a new one on keeping a CCS in a nano. Chris...good luck with it. Try and take as many pix as you can. Keep a close eye on it and if it ever appears ill, be prepared to pull it ASAP since they DO degrade water quality and rapidly. SH
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