Protoreaster Nodosus

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I agree that the statement was a 'blanket' one..but..having made the same mistake (adding a sea star to my tank as a newb), I have to offer conscientious marine aquarism here. I have spent several years nano reefing, researching the hobby, etc and I cannot recall a sea star that survived successfully.

As for not adding something 'just because it can die and pollute', I still have to qualify this by adding 'IN A NANO TANK'. have great posts and your knowledge is dead on. The darn things just kill the water column when they die and they disintegrate rapidly. So..there IS a difference between adding a sixline wrasse to your 20 gallon nano tank and a fromia indica.

I feel it is my obligation here to offer 'conscientious' marine tank advice. The majority of research shows that sea stars starve to death, especially in small tanks. Having seen my tank nuked and others nuked by stars (nano's), I will not change this recommendation. You can put anything you want in your NANO tank. Whether it's a good decision or not........................................

Well said... now I just need to figure out how I can cram 5 more anemones into my tank... plus that mako (shark) and the field of dendronepthea I just bought. :drool:
so then by that statement, sh, my star will be dying soon and nuking my tank? You're basically saying that my decision to put a star in my nano was made because I am a "newb" and that all of you research says that I will fail in keeping this animal. Right then, back to his 8 gallon holding tank at the LFS before he kills all of my fish.
Chris...I am sorry that you are frustrated by my posts. I understand that. I felt similarly until I watched my star dying. may be one reefer who can beat the odds. I have held back on posting quotes from some of the more 'famous' marine experts on the stocking of sea stars in marine tanks. Stars forage across large 'acres' of reef to survive. 14 gallons.....well.....

If you need some reference points about sea stars and their poor survivability in small tanks, let me know and I will post some links here.

I would LOVE for you to prove me wrong. In fact, since you already bought one and stocked it, why not start a separate thread on your star. One of my friends, a very talented nano reefer, started one and was the 'expert' on keeping a sea star in his tank....until it died several weeks/months later. SH
I still see no problem with keeping a choco chip star in a 14 gallon. These can easily be fed. A Linckia or Fromia... definitely not. But a predatory Protoreaster? Yes.
....and THAT is why he should start a separate could be titled 'Keeping a CCS in a Nano experience'. ...or....(cough)...just use this one. SH
for gods sake steal just give advice dont be so f***ing patronising to people. I understand you do a lot of work and have had a nano reef for a long time buut does that give you the right to belittle everyone and anyone ......
PS....I'll finish with this final comment from one of my favorite marine experts:

Bob Fenner said:
Dying CC starfish
I have had a cc star for about a month. I have a 12 gal.
<Too small for this species...>
Eclipse system that has been up for a year. I have 2 yellow-tail blue damsels, 1 hermit and a Strawberry Pseudochromis. One of the chips has fallen off of the cc star. I placed him in a wire dome in the center of my tank to keep him from biting.
Is he going to die anyways?
<Maybe... please read re CCS... they rarely "make it" in captivity>
In your opinion, should I avoid adding another starfish (of any kind) in this small environment? If I did can it eat regular fish food?
<... please read re asteroids period... . Bob Fenner>

Hope this gives you help..also..remember this:

<Unfortunately sounds like the animal has gone past the point of no return, I would remove it before its decomposition degrades your water quality. >

If the CCS dies, remove it as quickly as possible. A dying star in a 14 gallon is almost a guaranteed nuke. SH
Perhaps, but remember that Bob Fenner is highly against nano tanks in general. Choco chip stars are hardier than many fish in my experience, and if they can be fed, that eliminates the only reasons why they may die in a nano.
Ok ok I really didnt mean to build any soap box for any preaching to be done on. I really do appreciate your input, SH. I appreciate Lynden's more because it agrees with my desires :D You're not frustrating me, it will only frustrate me if you turn out to be right. I also appreciate the excerpt from WetWeb but from the look of it this guy isnt even sure of what to feed his star, not to mention his tank seems (to me) to be a bit overstocked. Hell, I'm only two gallons more and one fish shy and I feel overstocked. Either way, arguments aside, the little guy lives here now, not only that but he's not living in his smaller, empty holding tank that he's been sitting in at the LFS. Also his diet here varies a lot more, whereas at the LFS he was only fed fish food pellets (which "He just loooooooves!"). So yeah, judging by my view of the overall knowledge that the primary (and sole) care taker at the LFS possesses, by my complete lack of interest in anything aside from school, work, cheap beer, love making, and a beginners (a couple of years...hey that counts for SOMETHING) obsession with marine life, then hey...I think the little star should consider himself lucky. I mean yes, the tank is small, yes there's a chance he could die and kill my hermit crab and maybe even my deformed clown fish whom I also took in from the fish-coral-invert-rock-crap-crab-n-value bin of unwanted pets from the same LFS. This is a risk I am willing to take, and fortunately for myself and my hatred for surprises, I was aware of this risk prior to his purchase. I appreciate the concern and if you (SH) really feel that this star fish will not feed without adequate space, then I will happily make him the first resident of the 30 gallon (still too small in your opinion, I'm sure) tank downstairs the absolute second that it is finished cycling. Otherwise, thus far he is eating, he is snail bowling (it's pretty fun to watch :) ), he is--from the look of it--doing well, and I am well aware of the phrase "so far." Anyways, that wasnt a rant, just a lot of words.
for gods sake steal just give advice dont be so f***ing patronising to people. I understand you do a lot of work and have had a nano reef for a long time buut does that give you the right to belittle everyone and anyone ......

lol be a man or at least human and say it to him in your regular account.

Whats with all the sarcastic remarks? I believe someone (not mentioning any names) told someone else in another thread to stop with the stupid sarcastic remarks. But they are doing it here. Jeez, its SH's opinion, lay off, he is just as educated and "honorable" to say something on a thread i think. I guess thats why hes the mod and you guys arent.
lol be a man or at least human and say it to him in your regular account.

Whats with all the sarcastic remarks? I believe someone (not mentioning any names) told someone else in another thread to stop with the stupid sarcastic remarks. But they are doing it here. Jeez, its SH's opinion, lay off, he is just as educated and "honorable" to say something on a thread i think. I guess thats why hes the mod and you guys arent.
...just who do you think this is?

I see I am the most likely candidate, being the disagreer, and the person that told someone to stop the sarcastic remarks. But, I can assure everyone I am not behind this, but nor do I entirely disagree with the remarks. If you have doubts SH could look up the IP adresses, and if that fails (I regularly use two different computers, three in the last 48 hours, one at home, school, and a friends house) then I suppose you will have to trust me.

Finally, all the mods are knowledgeable (well, most of them at least) including SH. But, being a mod is based on a combination of availability, maturity, and knowledge, as far as I can gather. There are many users that exceed all three (such as nmonks), and around the time Nav began to become busy with real-life matters is when SH was promoted because he was, and probably still is, most fit for the job. THe fact that we are not mods is no grounds to value our opinion less than SH's, and frankly Musho that post was hardly called for.

Chris, this wasn't really a flame war... just a bit of discussion. Growing out of hand I know, but bear with us.
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