prolonged exposure risk?

Coralife Aqua Gloves.
~$16 US

Strange question.... Sorta Off Topic...

I only remembered from the mentions of eczema and psoriasis (I've had one and my cousin the other) but wasn't there a fish related treatment for psoriasis?

I think if memory serves the fish ate at the skin while suffers sat in some kind of bath.. Am I thinking right..?
eeeurrrgghh, fishes eating the flakey skin? Not heard about that, sounds gross though!!
Interesting link, still sounds a bit... yucky to me!! :sick:
Whoa..let's get some facts straight here. NO ONE is going to get TB from a fish and NO ONE gets vaccinated for TB. There used to be a type of vaccine called BCG but this is long retired. The only real risk, even if you want to call it that, is if you sustain a deep cut or laceration in your tank. THAT would be a concern for TETANUS. Most of us are already vaccinated for that.

I guess you could argue that Salmonella would be the most likely organism to cause a problem and that is transmitted by fecal-oral spread, or, by ingesting the organism. The bottom line: putting your hands in your FW tank is safe. DISCONNECT ALL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT before doing tank maintenance. Use drip loops and a GFI outlet. Don't rest powerstrips on the floor. Wash your hands after cleaning your tank. Use gloves if you have recently cut your hands. If you sustain a severe cut in the tank or on rusty equipment, go to the ER to have the wound cleansed and check on your tetanus status to see it you need immunglobulin or toxoid.

There is more concern with marine tanks than FW. Hope this helps. SH
No, no-one gets human TB from fish. However, there is a disease refered to commonly as "fish TB" which is (the only?) known zoonoses bacteria between fish/humans, and this can enter broken skin and cause a granuloma-type infection.
It isn't TB as in BCG / coughing up bits of lung for months on end /etc, it's a skin infection. Hence the TB vaccine (a vaccine against TB, known as the BCG) wouldn't have any effect on it. Is a different ailment.
It's also pretty rare and even if your fish did have it, you would not be that likely to catch it anyhow.
I dont' think anyone has to worry about that....I know what you meant. SH

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