Progress In The 150G


Fish Herder
Jan 16, 2010
Reaction score
Southampton, UK
Things going really well in the 150G. had to do a bit of moving about, and Biff, my chocolate cichlid has moved house to the 80G, as he and Mr Jeeves, my sev were not getting on as well together as they had in the past.

So, current stock in the 150G is ....

1 x sev
1 x Vieja bifasciatus
1 x Sajica
2 x G.steindachneri
1 x festivum
5 x bleeding heart tetras
and one new vampire pleco.

Here's a "best of" of todays photoshoot.

Firstly Huxley, my new male sajica. He's an assertive chap, but not particularly violent. I was amazed to find such a good sized and immaculate sajica in one of my LFS's, so I snappepd him up.


Then Flower, my little Vieja, who arrived with me injanuary, at about 1" in length. She's now at least 3". A great character. In fact all the fish in this particular tank are very outgoing and confident (apart from the pleco, who has not settled in just yet).

Next is Arnold, my male steinie. He just gets more and more stunning.

Last but not least is Mr.Jeeves, who loves being the number one big boss of the tank now, although he is very gentle with them all.


The main fish I would love to photograph but have been unable to do so, so far is my new vampire pleco (L240). Only had him just over a week, and he spends all day in his cave so far, but I can tell he is starting to gain in confidence as he is starting to peek out, and show some real interest at feeding and water change time.
He is possibly one of the most stunning fish I have ever seen. Pitch black, with big white spots, and a huge sailfin dorsal. As soon as I get a decent pic, I will share with all.

So anyway that's what I've been doing with my sunday afternoon !
Wow, hamfist all 4 of those beauts are to die for. I love the Veija, she is absolutely beautifull.
So anyway that's what I've been doing with my sunday afternoon !
All great piccys and some very beautiful fish, all i know is I've got a lot of practicing to go :hey:
very nice i love the sev absolutely stunning colours :good:

how do you get them to pose like that, i've been trying for ages can't get a decent pic!
Your Sajica and Steinie are magnificent!
I'm not sure I've ever seen them before, not around my area at least..
I like that they don't get extremely large.

they get along with your Sev just fine?
very nice i love the sev absolutely stunning colours :good:

how do you get them to pose like that, i've been trying for ages can't get a decent pic!

The sev is easy, he just sits there at the front of the tank looking at me, seemingly with a "photograph me please" sign around his neck. The others are rather more active, and I need to take a load of pics to get any decent ones. Just perseverance really, and also getting any slightly nervous fish very used to your presence right up at the tank and photographing them.

Your Sajica and Steinie are magnificent!
I'm not sure I've ever seen them before, not around my area at least..
I like that they don't get extremely large.

they get along with your Sev just fine?

No problems between them, as yet anyway !

And thanks to all for your kind comments. I'll see what I can do about a full tank shot Karin, although it will have to be in a few days.
Do you use a different type of light on your tank compared to just the standard aquarium light, to make their colors appear so much brighter/flourescent looking?
The light in my tank just doesn't seem to cut it or do anything for my fishes color unless they are directly underneath the light.
Do you use a different type of light on your tank compared to just the standard aquarium light, to make their colors appear so much brighter/flourescent looking?
The light in my tank just doesn't seem to cut it or do anything for my fishes color unless they are directly underneath the light.

You're quite right Jackie, I do use some fancy lighting. All my fish pics now are lit purely with twin "over tank" flashes (mounted in homemade softboxes). No tank lights, no flash from the camera either.
It's not an expensive setup. Each flash cost £12 off ebay. But, as you can see, it makes a real difference in capturing the true natural colours of the fish.
Thanks :)
I'm not familiar with them, are these flashes like bulbs?
Do they have to be over tank setups or can they be put inside an aquarium light fixture?
Are these the same as metal halide lights by any chance?
Thanks :)
I'm not familiar with them, are these flashes like bulbs?
Do they have to be over tank setups or can they be put inside an aquarium light fixture?
Are these the same as metal halide lights by any chance?

Nope. Just plain and simple camera flashguns, set up to fire downwards from on top of the tank, not from on top of the camera.
I use a cable from my camera's hotshoe to the first flashgun. THen the second, slave, flashgun is triggered to fire the instant it senses the flash from the first.
Full tank shot as promised. Looks a bit empty, but theres a lot of growing still to happen !


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