Progress In The 150G


Thanks for all the photos. It is very educational for me to see what and how you do things. In 150 gallons are you done with your stocking now? And can I ask in all innocence, why you would not have more than one festivum? I sort of think of them as angel fish and pretty mellow and given the area of the tank they seem to occupy 2 or more would be okay. What are your thoughts?

Thanks again for sharing your awesome photos.

I'm not sure that is a Bifaciatus, looks nothing like the one i used to have, i bought mine at 2" and grew it up to 8" before i traded it in, it kinda always looked like a Synsiplum but with sparkly bits and a nasty attitude. (mfk verified mine as a legit Biffa)
In 150 gallons are you done with your stocking now? And can I ask in all innocence, why you would not have more than one festivum? I sort of think of them as angel fish and pretty mellow and given the area of the tank they seem to occupy 2 or more would be okay. What are your thoughts?

I'm actually doing a lot of chopping and changing between my two tanks just at the moment, trying to get combinations of fish that will tolerate each other, as I really don't want to get rid of any of my fish.

My male steinie is aggressively determined to breed with my male sajica, so they have to be separated.

My angel and festivum do NOT get on either.

The sev, Mr. Jeeves, hates my satanoperca leucosticta.

My male steinie also chases my small vieja.

The male sajica chases my small vieja
Etc !!!! So it can be a bit of a headache.

Curently I seem to have a general peace in both tanks, but the vieja is in the smaller tank, which won't handle her for ever.

As for festivums, they can actually quite spirited. I'm a great believer in just having a singleton of most cichlid species in community tanks. Just ends up as so much less hassle between them usually.

I'm not sure that is a Bifaciatus, looks nothing like the one i used to have,

You and me both. I've always been a little bit dubious. Even though was sold as a bifa (by a completely unreliable source) it has always looked more syn-like to me. Although reliable internet sources seem to say that you can't really tell for sure until they put some size on and colour up.
I'd be pleased either way. She's certainly quite gentle at the moment.
Oh lovely photos!

Your little Vieja is a new addition since I last saw your photos - very cute.
Oh lovely photos!

Your little Vieja is a new addition since I last saw your photos - very cute.

Unfortunately, Flower (the little vieja) was rehomed yesterday, as she had decided that my tanganyikan spiny eel was a plaything, and I really wanted to keep that eel. She'd got to about 4", and was VERY boisterous !

THe current occupants of the 150G are :-

- Mr Jeeves the male green sev, currently about 7", and fat as a pig !

- Geraint, the angelfish,

- William, the Tanganyikan spiny eel, about 9"

- Arnold, the male Geo.steindachneri, about 4"

- 5 x bleeding heart tetras,

- 5 x platies
Aw that's a shame. Do you still have your Flowerhorn and Chocolate??
Aw that's a shame. Do you still have your Flowerhorn and Chocolate??

Ashamed to say that I no longer have either of them.

I was not happy with the space I was offering the flowerhorn, so sold him to a guy with a huge, huge tank. just for him.

THe choc started bullying Mr.Jeeves, my big sev. One or other had to go so, unfortunately, the choc went.

My other tank is now completely full of (separated) moothbrooding female G.steindachneri raising their young.
That's a shame but sometimes things don't work out. Cichlids are all trial and error as well, which makes them difficult as well as fun :rolleyes:

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