Aaah - I see.
Popeye comes along with a whole slew of other things - it's usually something that crops up because of something else. It could be the bacterial infection coming out there - in fact, one major sign of bact. infection is one or both eyes swollen.
I'm really glad you shared that article, though...
harvey at home has had these weird white tough pieces of skin protruding around his eyes since I got him several months ago. I wondered what it was all along - they never got any better or worse. I wonder if I ran him thru a course of light popeye meds if that would go away...? Like I said, it never gets worse or better, really - just seems to always stay the same.
Hrmph - maybe ONE day I"ll have 4 perfectly healthy betta boys.
Wow, what will I do with all my time then?
Probably write more nasty letters to WalMart.
hee hee hee