Problems with little Amos


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
Okay - so everyone probably knows the story of Amos, who was moved to the 5 gallon tank, then back to the 2.5 gallon because the currents were too strong and he got stressed, blah blah blah

ANYWAY- it's now Monday, and this past Friday I moved him back to his little 2.5G tank. Before I moved him to the 5 G tank he was perfectly happy, flared when he saw me, etc. Now, he's back in his 2.5 tank (after the whole 5G ordeal) and he's very droopy - his fins are clamped. He had developed ick when he was in his bigger tank, and ate his tail off. I've been treating him for ick, and it appears as if that's going away. He also has popeye now, he's also being treated for that.

Although he's still eating just fine - he doesn't flare at me anymore, and he's very droopy. His temp's up to 82 for treatment of the ick. He's hiding under stuff, laying on the bottom or hanging out at the top of the tank all the time now. He is infatuated with the little hydor heater in his tank, and he always has to stick himself between the heater and the glass - so now I have situated it so that he can just rest at the top between where the cord attaches to the heater and the glass. He scares me everytime I show up after not having been at my desk for a while - it looks like he's dead just hanging there. uugh!

I put lots of silk plants in the tank - and I gave him an aeration bar (VERY light bubbles) and he seemed to love that at first, but now he doesn't care about it whatsoever. I tossed in a pinch of salt, too.

Is he just stressed from all the moving? I feel HORRIBLE because I thought I was doing a good thing, but I ended up stressing the poor little guy out horribly. Anyone else have suggestions on what I could try?

He's currently being medicated with Maracide and Tetracycline.
He is in a mess, did you add him back to the tank at the correct temp, clamp fins are a sign of stress what are his water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
Yep - the tank was exactly the same temp.
I guess I never checked his readings - I just put new water in on Friday.
BUT - I just checked them, and:
nitrAtes: 20
nitrItes: 2.0 (guess there's my problem right there)

everything else is as it always is.

How the he(( does a person get high nitrItes in a betta tank w/no filter, and all brand new decor? Is it because of the meds?? uugh

Should I do an immediate water change? I'm assuming so, huh?
Didn't notice it was you, having your share of problems, yes thats a high nitrate reading do a water change, is that 02 or high at 2.0
Test your tap water could have nitrites in it to start with.
Just did a 100% water change - tested it again and the nitrItes have gone down to a safe level, but the nitrAtes are up a bit - still within the safe level.

The odd thing is that I've been using the same exact water for several months now - and both of those levels have always been right at zero.

He's completely freaking out now - darting around the tank. :( Then he stops in the corner and rests up at the top of the tank. Once in a while he will go down by the bottom of the tank with his fins all closed up and just skim across the bottom with all his fins closed up.

I need to get the tetracycline in there for his popeye - but does anyone think I should just go ahead with that med along with a pinch of salt or switch to something else??

The poor guy - this is ALL my fault. I should have just left him alone in his nice warm little tank that he was so happy with. :(

Okay, I just had a horrible thought.
Could it be possible that I might have transferred the nasty septicemia from Jasper's tank to Amos' tank?? I haven't used anything from Jasper's tank in Amos' tank, but I was doing things in both of their tanks - I thought I had been really careful with hand washings and everything in between.

Man, what should I do???? :-(
Yes use the tetracycline and salt you do have an airstone don't you, popeye is closely related to dropsy so give him some shelled peas if he is eating, good luck.
Next question - right before I did the water change I had put in his tetracycline dosage for the day.

Now with the new water, should I put in the dosage for today again since it's no longer in the water??? Same story with Maracide - there's none in the tank right now although he isn't scheduled to have another dose til tomorrow. What to do about those??

I just checked him for velvet, cuz that's the signs he's kind of displaying and he doesn't have any dustings on him. I did notice, though, that around his face area he's got some graying spots.

I'm going to treat him with Maracide and Tetracycline. Just wanna know when I can put them into the tank safely.
If there is no meds in the water yes redose, can you mix them to together, the salt might help with the parasites while you get him on the mend.
That's ok then, wasn't sure, good luck.
I just read some more info on bacterial infections.
Here's what the descrip was:
clamped fins, swollen eyes, heavy or rapid breathing, patchy coloration, change in swimming behavior or corner hiding
He is doing every single one of those things.

It recommends using Maracyn, as it's for gram-positive pathogenic organisms.
Tetracycline is for gram-negative path. organisms.
What's the diff?
I'm ready to med him up, but now I'm confused about what to use.
I have all these meds:
Tetracycline tabs
Maracyn Two

I'm for sure using Maracide to finish off the treatment for ick, but what other med to use? Still tetracycline? Even for a bacterial infection?
Tetracycline is gram negative and gram positive which means it cures more illnesses.
Hydrochloride Treatment of bacterial infection, both gram positive and gram negative. one 250ml gram tablet to 10 gallons of water. Repeated treatment advised.
Um, I'm THOROUGHLY confused.
I wanna get the meds in asap.

Which would you use?
Sorry - I read that whole thing and it made NO sense to me :(

I always say...
My brain's not NEARLY as big as my heart. :unsure:

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